Outstanding Student Presentation Award

JpGU 2019 Outstanding Student Presentation Award

Space and Planetary Sciences Section (11)

Kiichi Fukuya
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS05-P04 ] Stationary wavy features and Banded structures at Venusian cloud top extracted by averaging multiple LIR images

Hideyuki Hayashi
The University of Tokyo

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[PCG22-P10] Pb-Pb dating of the NWA 7203 angrite and relationship to its shock metamorphism

Toshiki Kawai
Nagoya University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PEM19-06] Detection and energy derivation of nano-flares based on deep learning

Yuki Nakamura
Tohoku University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS01-04] Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter’s middle- and low-latitude ionosphere

Sota Nanjo
University of Electro-Communications

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PEM11-P27] Fine-scale visualization of aurora in a wide area using color digital camera images from the International Space Station

Misako Tatsuuma
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS06-25] Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates Measured with Dust N-body Simulations

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (15)

Mirai Abe
Keio University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[AOS19-P02] Data assimilation of the Venus atmosphere assuming radio occultation measurement by small satellites

Ryusei Kuma
Nagoya University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS19-P03] Productivity-induced lacustrine bedded chert formation in the Eocene Green River Formation

Kana Maetani
Ehime University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[AOS13-04] The Generation Process of the Bottom Intrusion in the Bungo Channel

Yoshihiro Matsumoto
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[AGE28-P06] Measurement of apparent gas diffusion coefficient in poorly tilled seedbed under windy condition.

Daisuke Noto
Hokkaido University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS18-03] Diffusive behavior of columnar vortices in rotating thermal convection

Naoki Sakurai
Niigata University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[ACC27-P05] Daily variation of supraglacial lakes in the southern Inylchek Glacier

Hiroki Shozaki
National University Corporation Kochi University Faculty of Science

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS19-01] Development of Longitudinal dunes under the Pangean atmospheric circulation

Daisuke Takasuka
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[AAS03-08] Observational Evidence of Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves as a Driving Force for the MJO Convective Initiation and Propagation

Yuuki Wada
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS27-10] Progress of Observation Project for High-energy Phenomena in Winter Thunderstorms

Human Geosciences Section (7)

Akihiro Imamura
Kanazawa University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[HGM03-P04] Stream power incision model and the stage of topographic equilibrium, using physical experiments

Takahiro Kurimoto
Senshu University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[HDS09-P06] Largescale landslide induced by AD1586 Tensho-Earthquake in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan

Jaeyong Lee
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[HTT19-12] Topographic surveys in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, and improvement of mapping methods

Yuchen Wang
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[HDS13-P02] Tsunami Data Assimilation of the 2015 Torishima Earthquake

Solid Earth Sciences Section (24)

Yuya Akamatsu
Hiroshima University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG54-09] Changes in seismic wave velocity during brittle deformation of gabbro and peridotite

Philipp Eichheimer
University of Bayreuth

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG51-P01] Permeability prediction of porous media with the finite difference Stokes solver LaMEM

Shota Hara
Kyoto University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[STT46-P01] P-wave Polarity Determination of Waveform Data Observed in Western Japan, Using Deep Learning

Masaya Kimura
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SGD01-08] Detection of Earthquake-induced Prompt Gravity Signals in Multi-channel Data

Ryota Kiuchi
Kyoto University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SSS07-P09] New Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western Saudi Arabia

Haruna Kojima
Engineering,Chiba University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS04-02] Rn flux anomaly and local seiemicity around Asahi station,Boso,Japan

So Ozawa
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG48-P44] Unified description of fast and slow earthquakes using velocity strengthening patches

Ryosuke Sakurai
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SVC34-02] Vapor transport in shallow intruded magmas: insights from diktytaxitic texture

Shinya Sato
Kyoto University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SEM19-04] Effect of reference data on geomagnetic transfer functions

Ayako Tsuchiyama
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG50-P03] New insights into the mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes

Taku Ueda
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SSS10-01] Seasonal variations in crustal seismicity in San-in district, southwest Japan

Kazuki Yoshida
Tohoku University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG49-P08] Numerical simulations for reaction-induced fracture formation of layered gabbro during hydration process

Biogeosciences Section (4)

Kenta Isoda
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[BBC03-P04] Glyoxylate from CO atmosphere via UV photochemistry

Kazuma Tsuji
The University of Shiga Prefecture

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[BBC03-P02] Detection of methylphosphonate and phosphite contained in suspended particles in spring water

Atsushi Urai
Shinshu University

Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[BCG06-P01] Dynamisms and characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in deep aquifer: A scope for deep biosphere