JpGU 2019 Outstanding Student Presentation Award
- Space and Planetary Sciences Section
- Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section
- Human Geosciences Section
- Solid Earth Sciences Section
- Biogeosciences Section
Space and Planetary Sciences Section (11)
Tohoku University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PEM13-P05] Correlation between pulsating aurora and electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves obtained from coordinated Arase and ground data
The University of Tokyo
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[PPS05-P04 ] Stationary wavy features and Banded structures at Venusian cloud top extracted by averaging multiple LIR images
The University of Tokyo
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[PCG22-P10] Pb-Pb dating of the NWA 7203 angrite and relationship to its shock metamorphism
Osaka University
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[PPS03-23] Density Distribution within Small Solar System Bodies Based on Smooth Terrain Shape: Asteroid 25143 Itokawa and Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Nagoya University
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[PEM19-06] Detection and energy derivation of nano-flares based on deep learning
Tohoku University
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[PPS01-04] Axisymmetric conductivities of Jupiter’s middle- and low-latitude ionosphere
University of Electro-Communications
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[PEM11-P27] Fine-scale visualization of aurora in a wide area using color digital camera images from the International Space Station
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS08-01] Observing simulations of impact-induced moonquakes combined with the lunar impact flash observation data for future lunar seismic explorations
Tohoku University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS05-P02] Temperature and wind variations in Venusian mesosphere and lower thermosphere by mid-infrared heterodyne spectrometer in 2018
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[PPS06-25] Tensile Strength of Porous Dust Aggregates Measured with Dust N-body Simulations
Nagoya University
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[PEM09-20] Study of quiet-time high-latitude thermospheric winds using a Fabry-Perot interferometer at Tromsoe: Averages and exceptional events
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (15)
Keio University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[AOS19-P02] Data assimilation of the Venus atmosphere assuming radio occultation measurement by small satellites
The University of Tokyo
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[AAS03-P01] Numerical investigation on the shape, terminal velocity, and drag coefficient of a small raindrop by the improved immersed boundary method
The University of Tokyo
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[AOS12-09] Effects of the temperature and fish size on metabolism and swimming performance of Pacific chub mackerel Scomber japonicus in the Northwest Pacific
Saitama University
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[AGE28-P09] Leaching behavior of As, Pb, Cd and Se in subsurface marine and nonmarine sedimentary environment in central Kanto plain, Japan
Nagoya University
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[MIS19-P03] Productivity-induced lacustrine bedded chert formation in the Eocene Green River Formation
Ehime University
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[AOS13-04] The Generation Process of the Bottom Intrusion in the Bungo Channel
The University of Tokyo
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[AGE28-P06] Measurement of apparent gas diffusion coefficient in poorly tilled seedbed under windy condition.
Hokkaido University
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[MIS18-03] Diffusive behavior of columnar vortices in rotating thermal convection
Niigata University
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[ACC27-P05] Daily variation of supraglacial lakes in the southern Inylchek Glacier
National University Corporation Kochi University Faculty of Science
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[MIS19-01] Development of Longitudinal dunes under the Pangean atmospheric circulation
Tohoku University
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[ACG33-07] Intra-seasonal variability of oceanic low-level cloud in summertime North Pacific and its interaction with sea surface temperature
The University of Tokyo
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[AAS03-08] Observational Evidence of Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves as a Driving Force for the MJO Convective Initiation and Propagation
Kyoto University
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[AOS09-P20] The Parameterization of the Pressure-Strain Correlations in the Stably or Unstably Stratified Ocean Surface Layer.
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS27-10] Progress of Observation Project for High-energy Phenomena in Winter Thunderstorms
Kyushu University
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[AAS05-13] Downward Propagation of Planetary Wave Packets from the Stratosphere to the Troposphere During Northern Hemisphere Winter
Human Geosciences Section (7)
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[HQR05-P02] Holocene sea-level and paleoenvironmental reconstruction using radiocarbon local marine reservoir age and geophysical modeling in Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga
Kanazawa University
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[HGM03-P04] Stream power incision model and the stage of topographic equilibrium, using physical experiments
Senshu University
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[HDS09-P06] Largescale landslide induced by AD1586 Tensho-Earthquake in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan
The University of Tokyo
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[HTT19-12] Topographic surveys in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, and improvement of mapping methods
Hokkaido University
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[HDS13-12] Near-fault observations of an offshore earthquake by DONET: Comparison of ocean bottom pressure gauges and strong-motion accelerometers
Tohoku University
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[HRE16-05] Microbial communities around ca. 2.7 Ga submarine hydrothermal fields at the Potterdoal deposit in Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada
The University of Tokyo
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[HDS13-P02] Tsunami Data Assimilation of the 2015 Torishima Earthquake
Solid Earth Sciences Section (24)
Hiroshima University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG54-09] Changes in seismic wave velocity during brittle deformation of gabbro and peridotite
Tohoku University
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[SVC37-04] Probing magmatic processes just prior to historic eruptions at Sakurajima volcano: Toward understanding “magma pre-charge”
Tohoku University
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[SGL28-04] Late Cretaceous sea-level changes and tectonic history recorded in the forearc sedimentary successions of the Northeast Japan
The University of Tokyo
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[SCG48-P10] Comprehensive detection of very low frequency earthquakes off the Pacific coasts of Hokkaido and Tohoku, northeastern Japan
University of Bayreuth
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG51-P01] Permeability prediction of porous media with the finite difference Stokes solver LaMEM
Kyoto University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[STT46-P01] P-wave Polarity Determination of Waveform Data Observed in Western Japan, Using Deep Learning
Tokyo Institute of Technology
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[SIT21-P11] Thermal conductivity measurements on iron and MgO periclase at high pressure and high temperature similar to the Earth’s mid-lower mantle conditions
Kyushu University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG61-03] Non-double couple micro-earthquakes in the focal area of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake (M7.3) by “0.1 manten” hyper dense seismic observation
Kyoto University
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[SSS06-P05] Paleotemperature anomalies deduced from thermal-maturity parameters within the décollement, off Cape of Muroto, Japan
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SGD01-08] Detection of Earthquake-induced Prompt Gravity Signals in Multi-channel Data
Kyoto University
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[SSS07-P09] New Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western Saudi Arabia
Engineering,Chiba University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[MIS04-02] Rn flux anomaly and local seiemicity around Asahi station,Boso,Japan
The University of Tokyo
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[SCG59-05] Real-time forecasting of long-period ground motions for the Nankai Trough earthquake: The effectivity of the Green function-based data assimilation method
The University of Tokyo
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[SCG56-29] Formation process of a slope basin in the Nankai Accretionary prism reconstructed from high-resolution SBP integrated with core data of ODP Site 1175 and Site 1176
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG48-P44] Unified description of fast and slow earthquakes using velocity strengthening patches
The University of Tokyo
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[SVC34-02] Vapor transport in shallow intruded magmas: insights from diktytaxitic texture
Kyoto University
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[SEM19-04] Effect of reference data on geomagnetic transfer functions
Tohoku University
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[SCG50-P09] Grain Size Dependency of Olivine-Spinel Phase Transformational Mechanism Responsible for Deep-focus Earthquakes
Kyushu University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG61-15] Fluid-Flow, Resistivity and Elastic Wave Velocity Simulation of Digital Rock Fracture and Comparison with Experimental Data
The University of Tokyo
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[SCG56-10] Extended lateral correlation of deep-sea sediments around the Minamitorishima EEZ based on downhole variation of bulk chemical composition
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG50-P03] New insights into the mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes
The University of Tokyo
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SSS10-01] Seasonal variations in crustal seismicity in San-in district, southwest Japan
Tohoku University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[SCG49-P08] Numerical simulations for reaction-induced fracture formation of layered gabbro during hydration process
Okayama University
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[SIT23-P02] Effect of iron content on thermal conductivity of olivine with implications for cooling history of rocky planets
Biogeosciences Section (4)
Kanazawa University
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[BCG06-03] Chemical speciation and solubility of heavy elements (lead, zinc, copper, arsenic and cadmium) in contaminated soil from Kamegai mine tailing, Toyama, Japan
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Presentation title (Click to jump to the abstract)
[BBC03-P04] Glyoxylate from CO atmosphere via UV photochemistry
The University of Shiga Prefecture
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[BBC03-P02] Detection of methylphosphonate and phosphite contained in suspended particles in spring water
Shinshu University
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[BCG06-P01] Dynamisms and characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in deep aquifer: A scope for deep biosphere