JpGU Fellowship

Kenji Kashiwaya


For outstanding contributions to research on geomorphic processes including lake sedimentation and environmental changes including Quaternary climatic cycles.

A list of five major papers

1. Geomorphology of Lake-catchment Systems. Springer, 139p., 2017, Kashiwaya, K.
2. Present earth-surface processes and historical environmental changes inferred from lake-catchment systems. In: Kashiwaya, K. et al. (eds.) Earth Surface Processes and Environmental Changes in East Asia. Springer, Tokyo, 1-24, 2015, Kashiwaya, K. et al.
3. Onset of current Milankovitch-type climatic oscillations in Lake Baikal sediments at around 4 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213, 185-190, 2003, Kashiwaya, K. et al.
4. Orbit-related long-term climate cycles revealed in a 12-myr continental record from Lake Baikal. Nature, 410, 71-74, 2001, Kashiwaya, K. et al.
5. Theoretical investigation of the time variation of drainage density. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 12, 39-46, 1987, Kashiwaya, K.


Takashi Oguchi