===================================================================================== Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.68 February 03, 2010 =====================================================================================
<< Contents >>
1. Update of membership information
2. Information of JpGU Meeting
・ Abstract submission is to be closed soon. (February 5, 12:00 noon)
・ update of membership information and registration for JpGU Meeting 2010
1. Update of membership information It’s necessary for JpGU members to update membership information and pay annual due every year. Please go to the following URL and put your ID and password. http://secure.jtbcom.co.jp/jpgu_e/ Click “Settlement and confirmation” button and complete your annual due payment. After paying your annual due, discount rate is adopted. Please note that discount rate is not adopted without paying your annual due.
2. Information of JpGU Meeting JpGU Meeting 2010 : From May 23, Sunday to May 28, Friday Venue: International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe Website of JpUG Meeting 2010 :https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/
Flow Chart : How to make Registration for JpGU Meeting: https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/flow_chart_e.html
(1)Abstract Submission is to be closed soon (until 05 Feb. 2010 at noon JST)
Abstract Submissions are to be closed very soon. Please be in a hurry to submit your abstracts if you haven’t made it yet. Final closing for Abstract Submission is February 5, Friday, at 12:00 noon JST, 2010.
Every year, a lot of people flock to our website at the last minute and cause problems. Please make abstract submissions as early as possible.
Normal rate: JPY3,000 We apologize for settlement trouble on January 29. Causes are under investigation, but the same situation may happen on Friday 5 again. Please be in a hurry to make abstract submission.
Sessions to be held in JpGU Meeting 2010 : https://secure.jtbcom.co.jp/jpgu_e/session/displaysessionidlist.asp
(2)Update of membership information and registration for JpGU Meeting Please update your membership information as mentioned above.
## In case you modify your classification Click Classification change button and update your information. ##In case you modify your affiliation and address Click Confirmation and update button and update your information. ##In case you make settlement Click Settlement Status Confirmation button and make payment.
Pre-registration closes on April 9, Friday, at 23:59 JST, 2010 **
**From this meeting, JpGU Meeting 2010, Registration for JpGU Meeting can be made through our website after pre-registration is closed. But normal rate is adopted on April 10. 2010 and after. Please be sure to complete credit-card payment by the due date.
We plan to have a party during JpGU Meeting 2010.
Date: May 26, Wednesday, 2010 Time: 19:00-20:30 Venue: Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall Fee: Advance : Regular / teachers / 70 years old or over :JPY4,000 graduate and undergraduate students :JPY1,500
Normal : Regular / teachers / 70 years old or over :JPY5,000 graduate and undergraduate students :JPY2,000
———————————- Japan Geoscience Union 4F Gakkai Center Bldg. 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088 E-mail: office@jpgu.org