
└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.190 Extraordinary Edition December 24, 2013

From the Board of Directors of the Japan Geoscience Union

The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is now accepting recommendations for candidates for the JpGU Fellowship Program. We have received several enquiries asking for an explanation of article 2 of the rules governing the program. This rule states that candidates must have been regular members of the JpGU for a total period of at least three years. Although the annual JpGU Meeting has a 25-year history, the current membership system was only set up when the JpGU was legally incorporated in December 2009, and prior to that date it is unclear who should be considered to be regular members of the JpGU. The board of directors of the JpGU has discussed this issue and has decided include a supplementary clause in the rules (supplementary clause 2) to clarify this definition. This supplementary clause states that, in addition to current regular members of the JpGU, anyone registered as a participant in the annual meetings organized by the JpGU (in 2006 – 2009) or its predecessor organizations (in 1990 – 2005) is to be eligible for a JpGU Fellowship.

The full rules governing the JpGU Fellowship program (including conditions to be satisfied by candidates) are available at https://www.jpgu.org/soshiki/kisoku/fellow_institution.pdf

The JpGU welcomes recommendations from any of its members concerning individuals who satisfy the rules and whom the member feels would make a good JpGU Fellow.

Finally, in addition to postal submissions, the JpGU is now accepting fellowship recommendations by e-mail. E-mail recommendations should be sent to jpgu.fellow@icloud.com, with the recommendation in a pdf file (up to 25MB) titled “Candidates Name.pdf” attached to an e-mail titled “JpGU Fellowship Recommendation (Candidates Name)”. The deadline for submissions is 10th January 2014.