
└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.189 December Edition December 10, 2013

┃1.JpGU Meeting 2014 Information
┃ Abstract submission and pre-registration start on January 8th 2014!
┃ Rivision on registration fee and abstract submission fee
┃ Accomodation during Meeting
┃ Exhibitors are wanted!
┃2.PEPS website has opened !
┃3.Additional explanation on Fellow recomendation
┃4.[Important]Annual due payment for 2013
┃5.From Committees
┃ Publicity and Outreach Committee
┃ Educational Affairs Committee
┃ Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
┃6.What’s new

└■ 1.JpGU Meeting 2014 Information

(1) Abstract submission and pre-registrastion start on January 8th, 2014!

Thank you for your session proposals for JpGU Meeting 2014.
Please see the recent schedule from the following URL.

Session list is released on the website:December 20th, Friday
Abstract submission starts:January 8th, Wednesday
Abstract submission closes:Advance(*) February 3rd, Manday at 23:59JST or 14:59UTC
            Final February 12th, Wednesday at 12:00JST or 3:00UTC
Pre-registration starts:January 8th, Wednesday
Pre-regiatration closes:April 16th, Wednesday at 17:00JST or 8:00UTC
JpGU Meeting 2014:From April 28th, Manday to May 2nd, Friday

(*) Advance abstract submission rate is adopted only when payment is completed by the due date.
Normal rate is automatically adopted in case we can’t confirm payments on and after February 3rd at 24:00JST
or 15:00UTC.

(2) Rivision on registration fee and abstract submission fee
As already being announced, registration fee and abstract submission fee have be revised.
Information on detail is on following URL.

(3)Accomodation during Meeting

As 2014 Meeting differs from usual years and it will be held at Japanese holiday season, all participants
are recommended to confirm your accomodation earlier.
Meeting website is going to introduce Hotel-reservation pages since December 20th.

(4) Exhibitors are wanted!
This annual meeting of the Japanese Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences community aims to cover
not only research related material but also any information and trends of interest to the Earth,
Planetary and Space Sciences community.
This meeting also provides an excellent forum for companies
working in these areas to make contact with a global audience, and we welcome their participation.
The meeting provides a forum for the exchange of information about Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
research projects and for companies to introduce new Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences related equipment.
It also provides an opportunity for both exchange of personnel and hiring of new staff.
We welcome participation from all members of the global Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences community in 2013.
We hope you introduce this chance to your acquaintances.

For Exhibitors:https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/exhibition/index.htm

└■ 2.PEPS website has opened !

Website on PEPS (Progress in Earth and Planetary Science) ,
which is going to be published at January 2014, has opened!

As PEPS is the “Open Access e-journl”, so you readers can read papers on PEPS freely

About members discount
When JpGU members log-in your member site https://secure.jtbcom.co.jp/jpgu_e/ ,
The number is be displayed in the second block.
Inputting the number(Submission Code/account number) when you submit your paper,
Submission fee is to be 200 Euro(80% discount).
Please refer to following URL.

For review articles, session convener’s recomends, and invited papers, 100% discount would be adapted,
but the Submission Code/account number above can NOT be used.
When you submit review articles, session convener’s recomends, or invited papers
please kindly ask your discount number to peps_edit@jpgu.org.

Information in detail at following URL

We are waiting for your submission.

Chair of Journal Steering Committee
Vise president of Japan Geoscience Union

└■ 3.Additional explanation on Fellowship recomendation

Thank you for your readying to recommend JpGU Fellowship nominees.
I would like to announce a way to submit recommendation.
Besides the submitting in paper form, submitting in PDF is also to be
acceptable. Please make PDF of recommendation form and send to following
email addres. In the case of that, you don’t need submit any paper form.


* subject of the email must be “JpGU Fellowship recommendation(nominee name)”
* the file name of the PDF must be “(nominee name.pdf)”
* the file must be less than 25Mbyte.

Deadline is January 10th Friday, 2014

Masato Nakamura

└■ 4.[Important]Annual due payment for 2013

Annual due payment for 2014, from April to next March, is available from January 8th, 2014.
Please be sure to pay the annual due and update your personal information.
Membership rate is not adopted to make JpGU Meeting registration if annual due payment
for 2014 is not completed. Please be sure to think about becoming a member if
you only have JpGU ID and not a member. You can enjoy membership benefit even before fiscal

★Membership subscription:

【To JpGU members】
※Membership for JpGU members are automatically continued if you don’t
submit Notice of withdrawal by the end of March 31st.
Please be sure to check the following URL if you would like to withdraw
from Japan Geoscience Union.

Please complete annual due payment beforehand and contact office@jpgu.org
for procedure of withdrawal.

└■ 5.From Committees
(1) Publicity and Outreach Committee
You can watch Videoes of JpGU lecture meeting at 2013 autumn on following URL.

Dr. Masahiro Watanabe

Dr. James Mori

Dr. Motohide Tamura

(2) Educational Affairs Committee

Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Symposium on educational affairs, relationship between earth quake researchers
and teachers in elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schols.

Date: December 26th Thursday – December 27th Friday, 2013
Place: Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 1st bld, 2nd floor seminor room

(3) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee

1689 persons has applied to the 6th Japan Earth Science Olympiad,
held at December 15th. This number is great increaseing from 1011 persons,
at the last year.It thanks to starting of the basement of Earth science,
supports from Earth schience teachers at high schools, interests on
International Earch Science Olympiad at Mie, at 2016. We appricieate you deeply.
And as we will continue to ready to Mie, we ask for your continued cooperation and support.