
└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.181 10th October, 2013

┃1.Prefatory note by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
┃2.JpGU Meeting 2014
┃ ・Call for sessions(Deadline is 24th October, 2013/ Two more weeks!)
┃ ・Exhibitors are wanted.
┃3.JpGU Representative election
┃ ・Asking you to vote for representative election
┃ ・Turnout as of now
┃ ・Recent schedule
┃4.3rd Japan Geoscience Union Autumn Public Lecture in 2013
┃5.From Committees
┃ ・Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
┃6.What’s new
└■ 1.Prefatory note by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU

└■ 2.JpGU Meeting 2014

(1) Call for sessions(Deadline is 24th October, 2013/ Two more weeks!)

Sessions for JpGU Meeting 2014 are wanted.
Please visit the following URL and propose your session as soon as possible.
Deadline is 24th October, Thursday at 17:00JST or 8:00UTC.
For further details, see the following URL.

【Session proposal 】2nd September, Monday~24th October, Thursday, 2013

(2)Exhibitors are wanted

We opened up Exhibitors website on 1st October.


└■ 3.JpGU Representative election

(1)Asking you to vote for representative election

Voting for the representative election started on 26th September.

Representatives become executive board members, and can be section presidents of
Japan Geoscience Union. They pass resolutions regarding executive official elections,
confirmation of project master plans and other operation policies together with society
members at ordinary and extraordinary general staff meetings.

Members who have finished membership subscription by 25th October, 2013 are eligible to vote.
Members can cast votes for at most 5 representatives in their electoral zone.
Each regular member can vote for up to five candidates of his/her electoral zone.
Elected representatives or staff, together with society members, are to elect board members,
confirm project programs and resolve various matters, concerning the management of this union
in the regular or extraordinary general meetings of members.
General meeting of members is the supreme decision-making body of this union.

Please note that the representatives of Human geosciences section win by default as the number
of the candidates is the same as that of representatives.

10th October, 2013

Board of Election of Japan Geoscience Union
Chairman: Michinari Sunamura
Members : Akira Sessai Yukimatu
Kenji Kawamura
Hiroyuki Tsubomoto
Masataka Shinohara
Morihisa Hamada



Turnout as of October 10th is as follows.

Electoral Zones   Numbers  Candidates  Memebers  Voting rate

Space and Planetary Sciences 15 21 1,161 4.3%
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences 19 28 1,604 6.8%
Human Geosciences 13 15 884 3.6 %
Solid Earth Sciences 30 43 2,855 3.6%
Biogeoscience 10 10 513
General Geoscience 11 12 720 1.4 %

Total 98 129  7,737 4.2%

For further details, see the following URL.

           10th October, 2013
Board of Election of Japan Geoscience Union

(3)Recent schedule

[Election schedule]
Representative election
 26th September, Thursday: Start voting
25th October, Friday: Close voting
1st November, Friday: Vote counting and reporting election outcome

Section president election
1st November, Friday: Public announcement
5th November, Tuesday: Start accepting candidates
15th November, Friday: Close accepting candidates
25th November, Monday: Start voting
16th December, Monday: Close voting
20th December, Friday: Vote counting and reporting election outcome

[How to vote]
Please vote from the following URL.

[How to become a member]
Please become a member by 25th October from the following URL.

[List of candidates]

└■ 4.3rd Japan Geoscience Union Autumn Public Lecture in 2013

Anyone can enjoy JpGU Autumn Public Lecture free of charge.

Japan Geoscience Union, Autumn Public Lecture in 2013
~From deep sea to the end of the universe ~

Date: 2nd November, Saturday 14:00~17:00(Doors open at 13:30)
Venue:The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Koshiba Hall(2nd floor, Ichigokan of Department of Science)
  (Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
Host:Japan Geoscience Union

 Prof. Masahiro Watanabe(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
 Prof. James J Mori(Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University)
 Prof. Motohide Tamura(The University of Tokyo/National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

★For further details, see the follwing URL.
https://www.jpgu.org/whatsnew/20131102JpGU_sympo/index.htm(Only in Japanese)

★Please apply from the following URL.
https://business.form-mailer.jp/fms/9f066d3525816(Only in Japanese)

※Participants are limited to 170 participants.
Application form is closed when it reached the maximum number.

└■ 5.From Committees

(1)Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee

The 7th International Earth Science Olympiad was held from 11th to 19th
September at Mysore in India.
90 high school students from 23 countries around the world participated in
this olympiad.
Team Japan won 1 gold medal, 3 silver medals.
Ranking of Team Japan is the 3rd, the same as Thailand and Romania following
Korea and Taiwan of 3 gold medals and 1 silver medal.

The one who was awarded Gold medal won the top prize of meteorological marine science and section.
