2022年03月07日 | JpGU statement on the situation in Ukraine |
We are greatly concerned by the invasion of Ukraine and the resulting loss of life and destruction. Our thoughts are with everyone who is being affected particularly those colleagues and friends in the earth and planetary science community. Progress in our science, including tackling many of the global challenges faced by the human race, requires international collaboration and joint action. War sets us back in this vital mission and leaves long-lasting environmental and societal damage. We join the many voices around the world calling for peace and an immediate end to this violence.
JpGU Leadership
2024.09.06 | 2025年大会ティザーサイトオープン! |
2024.08.09 | ニュースレター誌(JGL)の最新号(Vol.20, No.3)発行のお知らせ |