

AGU Fall Meeting 2021 is the leading event to better understand our planet and environment, and our role in preserving its future with 25,000+ people from 100+ countries – and that’s why we’d like to invite members of JpGU to submit a proposal by 14 April. This year’s meeting is in New Orleans, LA at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, and virtually everywhere. We’re excited that this may be the first opportunity we’ve had to see each other in-person in a very long time and we’re also looking forward to making the experience for virtual attendees even better.

When you submit a proposal for AGU Fall Meeting 2021, you are co-creating the scientific discussion for the event as well as what will be discussed within the worldwide Earth and space sciences community. We look forward to seeing your thoughts and ideas.

2024.09.06 2025年大会ティザーサイトオープン!
2024.08.09 ニュースレター誌(JGL)の最新号(Vol.20, No.3)発行のお知らせ