For exhibitors
Option fee:77,000JPY (including consumption tax)
You can hold a 45 minutes hybrid seminar at a vacant time slot.
How to apply
1.Please Log-in to
the online system
and apply from "Apply For Advertisement" button.
2.Please send detail from the form (posted later).
items: Title of the Seminar, Outline, and the Date and Time.
* Form and other details will be posted later.
* If you have special request on Zoom channel on which your seminar held, please fill that clumn.
Both of above 1 and 2 are required, but Date and Time is not fixed at the moment.
JpGU office will communicate later regarding your seminar schedule.
In case that Date and Time are inconvenient for your seminar, please contact to JaGU Office as soon as possible.
[Deadline]May 2nd(Tue)
Please let us know your preference up to the third choice
*Subject to change due to sessions or other events.
Time schedule
Please avoide following time because Exhibitors' Pop-Up wil be held at those time.
May 22(mon) 10:45~12:15
"Special Settings" are located in Exhibiton Hall 8.(referense:
Exhibition Map )
| 09:00 - 09:45 | 09:45 - 10:30 | 10:45 - 11:30 | 11:30 - 12:15 | 13:45 - 14:30 | 14:30 - 15:15 | 15:30 - 16:15 | 16:15 - 17:00 |
5/21(日) | Special Settings4(125) | Special Settings4(125) | Special Settings4(125) | Special Settings4(125) | Special Settings(1) Special Settings3(125) Special Settings4(125)
| Special Settings(1) Special Settings3(125) Special Settings4(125)
| | |
5/22(月) | Special Settings4(125) | Special Settings4(125) | | | Special Settings(1) | Special Settings(1) | | |
5/23(火) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | | | | |
5/24(水) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings1(140)(156) | Special Settings1(140)(156) | | | 301B(88) | 301B(88) |
5/25(木) | Special Settings4(69) 302(120) | Special Settings4(69) 302(120) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) 103(124) 303(120) | Special Settings4(69) 103(124) 303(120) |
5/26(金) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | Special Settings4(69) | | | Special Settings4(69) 106(70) 201B(66) 202(42) 301B(88) 302(120) 304(98)
| Special Settings4(69) 106(70) 201B(66) 202(42) 301B(88) 302(120) 304(98)
NEWS&INFO Special Issue(introducing Exhibitors)
The special issue will introduce exhibitors to JpGU Members and ID holders..
The mail news will be sent in two parts before the Meeting.
[Fee] Free
[Apply] Please apply via
online system.
[Deadline]April 28th(Fri)
[Material format]English: Within 68 one-byte characters x 5 lines (text only)
Japanese:Within 34 two-byte characters x 5 lines (text only)
May 11, 2022
Posting Your Logo on the web
Putting your logo on the meeting website, we will introduce exhibitors.
[Fee] Free
[Apply] Please apply via
online system.
Then please send the file with email to exhibition[at], with subject
"[Logo on the web]"and name of your booth.
[Deadline]April 28th(Fri)
[Material format] 50(h)pixel*170(w) pixel format: gif, jpg, or png file.
If the pixel count is larger than the regulation, we will resize the image.
About Exhibitors Pass
- Please wear your name tag all the time.
- Please request passes by May 11th through online system.
- Please refer to booth details to know the number of Exhibitor pass you can receive.
- In case you make presentation, please register as a participant not only as an exhibitor.
* Nobady can enter the venue without his/her own pass,
Please don't leave your pass at your booth.
How to issue
- Please request passes by May 11th through online system.
Exhibitors' pass for on-site
- On and after May 12th you can issue your "e-ticket" through online system.
- Please print and bring with the "e-ticket" to the venue, and please scan the e-ticket at the reception counter to print your exhibitors pass.
Re-printing exhibitors pass at the venue, and checking your registration status require extra charges.
Account for Online Meeting
We will send you login instructions with your initial password and other information to the e-mail address you submitted at a later date.
Category | Enter into Exhibition Area | Enter into Presentation Rooms | Presentation |
Exhibitors Pass A | ○ | ○ | × |
Exhibitors Pass B | ○ | × | × |
Quiz Rally
Quiz Rally is a easy game to promote your exhibition booth.
Participants to the Meeting will go around Exhibitors' booth, and then they answer questions.
The questions are easy one as far as they carefuly watch your booth.
After the Meeting, participants who answered the questions with high score may receive prizes.
About Courses
The quiz will be divided into two categories of courses: the on-site exhibition courses and the online exhibition courses.
Special exhibitors may submit one quiz for both the on-site and online exhibit courses.
Quiz from Publishers Desks, University Panels, and Society Desks will be given in the On-site courses,
and Quiz from online exhibitors will be given in the Online courses.
Note about Quizs
- Please make sure that overseas participants will be able to find the correct answer.
- Questions will be displayed along with your booth name and booth number, so please do not use the booth name itself as the question.
- The purpose of the questions is to encourage visitors to tour the exhibition booths, so please create questions whose answers can be found in the booths.
- Please make sure that participants can find the answer at the booth at any time during the Meeting term.
Stickers which show your booth participate in the Quiz Rally

How to apply
Application Deadline:May 12th->15th extended
Please apply from
Application Form for Quiz Rally
, providing one or five question(s) with 4 answer options each and the right answer. Office will send a confirmation mail.
- On-site course: Please post the answers so that they can be found when you visit the on-site exhibit.
- Online course: Please contain discription or images or another contents which will be a hint for your questions, into your Confitr, and please paste a sticker which show you participate the Quiz Rally
- Quiz you provide should be One. Your quiz will be used at any one day during the meeting.
- If you kindly provide us prizes for participants, please read below.
* Providing prizes is not necessary.
Meeting Participants
Date of event: All dates of meeting
All of participants can answer this Quiz Rally anytime during the 2023 meeting.
JpGU Office will send the prizes for each winner(s) after the meeting.
Providing Prizes
[Application deadline]
May 12th->15th extended
Please apply from
the Quiz Rally Prize providing form
Please note that prizes are to be sent to JpGU office(Tokyo, Japan) by the Meeting date. Please bear the shipping fee.
Prizes in data format are welcome.
[Expected prizes]
- Many prizes from each Exhibitor are not expected, then one to five pieces of premium prizes will be highly appreciated.
Prizes provided at the 2022 meeting
Participants will be asked to specify the prizes they would like to win, but in the event of a large number of participants, the number of desired prizes may be less than the number of prizes. In that case, the prize will not be returned, but will be awarded as a "double chance prize" to another participant.
Exhibitors' Pop-Up
You can have an one minute talk at a vacant time slot.
Short interviews as well as talk will be planned to promote the exhibitors to the participants.
The application procedure and details will be announced later.
You can request Date and Time first-come-first-served basis.
Estimated closing time will vary depending on the number of participating exhibitors.
- May 22nd 10:45AM~0:15 PM
Application Deadline:May 12->15th extended
Please apply from the form below.
Manual for exhibitors
Special Exhibition
Publisher's Desk, University Panel and Society Desk
Time Schedule
*About Online Exhibition
No overall exhibit hours will be set.
Please indicate on your poster if you will have business hours or online standby hours.