Exhibitors' highlights
We are very pleased to introduce some of our exhibitors' highlights
in this NEWS & INFO. This is the first half of the list.
Please visit the exhibitors' online booths for the latest information.
You can also check out the new Exhibitors' Pop-up, the popular Quiz
Rally, and the Exhibitors' Seminar. We hope you will join us.
|Remote Sensing - MDPI
|Remote Sensing (ISSN: 2072-4292)
|2020 Impact Factor: 4.848
|Journal Ranked: JCR - Q1 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary),
|CiteScore - Q1(General Earth and Planetary Sciences)
|Science of Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes
|Booth: A12
|The Grant-in-Aid for Science Research Project [Grant-in-Aid for
|Transformative Research Area (A)] entitled Science of Slow-to-Fast
| earthquakes is the research project to broaden and deepen our
|understanding of earthquakes ranging from slow earthquakes to fast
|(ordinary) earthquakes.
|Earth, Planets and Space
|The gold open access journal Earth, Planets and Space (EPS)
|publishes across the broader geosciences, focusing on geomagnetism,
|aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and
|planetary science. EPS also welcomes articles in new and inter-
|disciplinary subjects, including instrumentation.
|Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University
|Booth: A19
|GRC focuses studies of the Earth's and planetary deep interiors
|based on the state-of-the-art technologies of ultrahigh-pressure
| experiments and numerical simulations. We introduce our unique
| HIME-Diamond and activities of the Joint-Usage and Joint-Research
| Center "" PRIUS"", run by the GRC.
|Geochemical Society of Japan
|Booth: Soc05
|Geochemistry is multidisciplinary science with a strong linkage with
|chemistry. The Geochemical Society of Japan advances research in
|geochemistry and planetary science through scientific activities,
|including publication of the Geochemical Journal, having the annual
|meeting, and cosponsoring the Goldschmidt conference.
|Paleo Labo co.,ltd.
|Booth: A03
|Paleo Labo conducts natural scientific analysis of artifacts and
|Sediments excavated from the geo-archaeological sites.
|We have been consistently performing 14C dating.
|Earth Scientific Drilling Booth
|Booth: A07|A08
|Scientific drilling challenges the elucidation of the Earth system
|such as earthquakes, climate change, deep biosphere and mantle.
|At our booth, we will introduce a wide range of scientific drilling,
|such as drilling expedition reports by JAMSTEC vessels, the latest
|information at the Kochi Core Center and research support by J-DESC.
|TAO Journal, Chinese Geoscience Union
|Chinese Geoscience Union (CGU)
|Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO)
|TAO is an SCI journal, the major publication of the CGU since 1990.
|TAO publishes original scientific papers, reviews, notes.
|TAO publish papers in all disciplines of the Earth sciences.
|Booth: A24
|In addition to oil and gas E&P as our core business,
|JAPEX works stable supply of natural gas, electric power supply
|generating by natural gas,realization of next-gen technologies
|and development of new energies for the resolution of global-scale
|issues particularly in low-carbon society.
|Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
|GOSAT has been observing CO2 and CH4 concentrations since 2009 to
|help estimate GHG emissions. GOSAT-2 was launched in 2018 and
|GOSAT-GW is scheduled for launch in 2023. In addition to introducing
|the GOSAT series and its results, we will also show a bit of
|the real life of young researchers working on the project.
|Master's & Doctoral Programs in Geosciences, University of Tsukuba
|Booth: Univ12
|University of Tsukuba offers English and Japanese programs for
|Bachelor of Science in Geoscience, and Master's and Doctoral
|Programs in Geosciences. As of April 2020,
|our university is reorganizing its education system from traditional
|graduate schools and programs to a redefined degree program system.
|【Sanyo Trading】PICARRO Gas analyzer・Stable isotope ratio analyzer
|Booth: A33
|My name is Kazunori from Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd.
|We are exhibiting PICARO's stable isotope ratio gas analyzer.
|These are used by research institutes and university.
|If you are interested, please contact us from the link below.
|Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
|Booth: A09
|The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),
|as a comprehensive research organization for marine science and
|technology in Japan, conducts a variety of research and development.
|We're introducing JAMSTEC's newest research and activities.
|The Oceanographic Society of Japan
|Booth: Soc10|Soc11
|The Oceanographic Society of Japan was established in 1941 to
|promote the progress and dissemination of oceanography.
|Its activities include: Organizing research meetings.
|Publishing scientific publications.
|Presenting awards for research achievements.
|The Oceanographic Society of Japan
|The Oceanographic Society of Japan was established in 1941 to
|promote the progress and dissemination of oceanography.
|Its activities include: Organizing research meetings.
|Publishing scientific publications.
|Presenting awards for research achievements.
|The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tohoku University
|Booth: Univ02
|This is a program for Ph.D. students that provides international
|joint education under strong partnership between Tohoku
|University and leading overseas universities. We aim to foster
|doctors with global perspectives and leadership skills who have
|the will and abilities to ""understand the entire earth system"".
|Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Hokkaido University
|Booth: Univ10
|Come and visit us!
|The Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life : Asrobiology-Japan, SSOEL:Astrobiology-Japan
|Where, when, and how has LIFE emerged?
|Drive your curiosity and join us for the intellectual quest!
|Springer Nature
|Springers publications in Earth Sciences include a comprehensive
|range of journals, monographs, edited volumes, book series,
|textbooks and reference works. Please visit our online booth to
|review our publications, author services, and more.
|Earthquake Research Institute
|Booth: A32
|Earthquake Research Institute,The University of Tokyo has a visiting
| program that invites researchers from all over the world to stay in
|our institute for 3months to maximum 1year. Visit our booth A32 in e
|xhibition hall and find out more! We also hand out some goodies such
| as seismicity maps and masking tapes with catfish drawing!
Now Accepting Applications
We are currently accepting the applications for the following.
● Meeting registration (except for presenters)
Deadline: May 12 (THU)
▶Details are availble
● Call for OSPA Judges
▶Details are availble
● Call for student part time worker
▶Details are availble
(*Information available in Japanese)