time | Lunch time(12:30-13:40) |
room | Convention hall A / International Conference Room |
May 22(Convention hall A)
Lecturer | Kawakita, Hideyo |
Title | Nuclear spin isomers of cometary volatiles |
Summery | Molecules having identical atoms at symmetrical positions can be classifiles into "nuclear spin isomers". We have investigated nuclear spin isomers in comets as a clue to the origin of the solar system through its major volatile (H2O) and minor species (NH3 and CH4). My talk is addressed on the review of this field, not only for the observational but also laboratory studies. |
Lecturer | Miyoshi, Takemasa |
Title | Advances and expansion of data assimilation |
Summery | Data assimilation (DA) integrates simulation and real-world data and brings synergy. DA plays a key role in numerical weather prediction. Simulation becomes bigger, and sensor technology keeps advancing. We explore new DA methods to extract the most from these “Big Data”. We will discuss the advances and expansion of DA research. |
May 23(International Conference Room)
Lecturer | Korenaga, Jun |
Title | On the development of thermal evolution models of the Earth |
Summery | Since the completion of the plate tectonics theory in the 1970s, geophysicists have been trying to explain the thermal history of the Earth using the theory of mantle convection. There are a number of interesting debates on this issue, and an attempt to build a self-consistent theory for Earth’s thermal evolution is still ongoing. I will review how various evolution models have been developed in the past three decades or so, together with some latest research findings. |
Lecturer | Watanabe, Masahiro |
Title | Mechanism and attribution of climate changes over the past two decades |
Summery | Global-mean surface temperature increase has paused for the past 15 years, the phenomenon called the warming hiatus. Recent ocean reanalysis data reveal that the hiatus accompanies increased tendency of ocean subsurface heat content, and it has likely been induced by an interdecadal natural variability in the tropics. In this presentation, I attempt to review recent studies (including ours) on the mechanism and attribution of the global warming hiatus. |
May 24(Convention hall A)
Lecturer | Aikawa, Yuri |
Title | Molecular Evolution in Star-Forming Regions: From Interstellar Matter to Planetary Matter |
Summery | A planetary system is formed in a protoplanetary disk, which is formed together with a star by the gravitational collapse of a molecular cloud core. The molecular evolution in the star and planetary system formation are now rapidly being revealed by a combination of detailed chemical network models, hydrodynamic simulations and latest observational instruments such as ALMA. I will review the current status of this exciting topic. |
Lecturer | Takemura, Toshihiko |
Title | Climate change by aerosols ― Model development and impact assessment |
Summery | A global aerosol model SPRINTARS coupled with an atmosphere-ocean general circulation model has been developed to quantitatively evaluate climate change due to aerosols. Some main research achievements from SPRINTARS are presented in this lecture as well as consideration of connection between science (especially geosciences) and public impressed through daily operation of PM2.5 forecast with SPRINTARS. |
May 25(Convention hall A)
Lecturer | Suzuki, Takeru |
Title | Let solar wind stream out in PC |
Summery | About 15 years ago, I wanted to understand the driving mechanism of the solar wind, and started MHD simulations for solar winds. At first, the simulation code did not work at all and I did not know what to do. Talking about hardships when I tried to simulate solar winds, I plan to overview the physics of the solar wind. |
Lecturer | Miyoshi, Yoshizumi |
Title | Relativistic electron acceleration of the Van Allen radiation belts via cross-energy coupling |
Summery | The flux of MeV electrons of the Van Allen radiation belts drastically changes associated with the solar wind disturbances. In this presentation, we will give a talk about the cross-energy coupling process that is a key concept to understand generation and loss of relativistic electrons, and the new satellite mission ERG that will belaunched to elucidate the dynamical evolution of the Van Allen radiation belts. |
May 26(Convention hall A)
Lecturer | Hasegawa, Hiroshi |
Title | Sidestream research of magnetospheric physics |
Summery | The outer boundary of the magnetosphere is a key region of space which controls the near-Earth space environment and whose observations help understand fundamental physical processes that are ubiquitous in the plasma universe. However, this region is the most complex space plasma structure directly accessible by spacecraft but keeping people from studying. In this lecture, we present results from multi-spacecraft analysis of this boundary region. |