Reinforcing the memorandum signed to establish a strong partnership between the two unions, the Japan Geoscience Union and the American Geophysical Union have committed to collaborating on two upcoming meetings in 2016 and 2017: joint sessions during both organization’s annual meetings in 2016, and a joint meeting in 2017.
Then joint unions sessions at both the JpGU Annual Meeting and the AGU Fall Meeting will take the form of a Great Debate, a format we recently implemented at AGU’s 2014 Fall Meeting, and which aligns well with both Union’s missions and goals. The format of this special union session is built through a panel composed of scientists and non-scientists, with different agendas and origins, broadly addressing a topic related to geosciences. After each panelist gives a short, introductory presentation, they will then reply questions prepared by the conveners for the first part of the session. During the second part of the session, members of the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions of each panelist. The session will close with each panelist offering brief, closing remarks.
For the 2016 meetings, the selected topic will be ”Geosciences and society: What is the role of geoscientists? Do we really need geoscientists? And if so how to suggest vocations among the young generations?" We anticipate that these special sessions will be particularly stimulating, as they will provide useful comparisons of a single situation in two countries with different educational and societal contexts.
The first session will be held at JpGU 2016 and will be mainly Japan-oriented, with most of the panelists coming from Japan, though it will include some U.S. insights; the second session, at AGU’s 2016 Fall Meeting, will be mainly North America/U.S. oriented, with primarily North American panelists, with some insights from Japan.
We look forward to seeing you attending this session at JpGU 2016 in Chiba.
Dr. Denis-Didier Rousseau
AGU Fall Meeting Program Chair
Prof. Tadao Nishiyama
JpGU Meeting 2016 Program Chair