To Participants for Inter-Society Symposium
on Plasma Sciences

>to Japanese
Thank you for holding Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences in JpGU Meeting 2010, and participating in JpGU Meeting 2010.

JpGU Meeting Registration, ticket for the party and abstract submission are all made through our website. Please see the procedure shown below.

To those who are members of JpGU or holding JpGU ID

Please type your ID and password in ''Registered ID and password'' column of Lon-in Page. . You can make JpGU Meeting registration, ticket for the party and abstract submission.

To those who are not JpGU Members

Please click ''Meeting Registration'' button at the bottom of Lon-in Page.
Please make a Meeting registration for free and get your ID.

1. Confirmation of Privacy Policy

Please click ''I agree'' and move to the next screen. 

2. Acquisition of ID as Non JpGU member

** Notices **
Discount rate is not adopted without "The Astronomical Society of Japan" or "The Physical Society of Japan" checked.

List of fields for Non-JpGU member registration (*required fields)
(Basic Informaton)
1.*Name 40 one-byte characters or less
2.* E-mail address
3.* Classification choice
[Regular][Elementary, junior and high school teacher][Graduate student][
Undergraduate student:High
school student][Aged 70 or over]
4.  Age(Option) Choice
5.  Gender (Option) Choice
(Author' s Information)
6.* Science sections Choose
''Space and Planetary Sciences''
7.* Academic Society
in Japan
Choose "Yes"
8.* Selection of Academic Societies with JpGU Multiple Choice
Discount rate isn't applied without  "The Astronomical Society of Japan" or "The Physical Society of Japan"  checked.
9.  Academic societies other than JpGU Association 200 one-byte characters or less
10.* Affiliation 250 one-byte characters or less.
If you don't belong to any, please type "none''.
11.* Abbreviation of Affiliation 80 one-byte characters or less.
If you don't belong to any, please type "none''.
12.* CountryPlease click one from the list.
 (Shown on the next screen.)
(Contact address)
13.* Postal Code If possible, please type information of your affiliation.
14.* State/Province/Prefecture If possible, please type information of your affiliation.
15.* City/Town/Village If possible, please type information of your affiliation.
16.* Street/House Number If possible, please type information of your affiliation.
17.  Building Name/Room NumberIf possible, please type information of your affiliation.
18.* Phone (Day time) Available during daytime
19.  Extension Number (Option)
20.  Fax(Option)
Confirmation Screen   Confirmation of input fields Please click "Completion" button.
  ID and password are automatically issued.
Please do not forget them.

  • You can modify your password thorough website.
  • Please be sure to keep ID and password. They are necessary to make abstract submission and meeting registration and so on.

3. Procedure from Menu Screen

After Meeting registration is completed, you can move to the Menu Screen.You can make the following procedure using your ID and password from Log-in Screen.

  • Abstract submission
      Please be sure to read them. >>Further details (fee, regulation, Image and so on)
    : January 12, Tuesday, 2010

    : January 29, Friday, 2010 at 17:00 JST
      Member fee and Non-member fee are the same.
      Advance discount rate is adopted.
    : February 5, Friday, 12:00 noon JST, 2010

  • Meeting registration / Ticket for the party
      Please be sure to read them.    >>Further details

    : From January 19 Tuesday to April 9, Friday, 2010
      Pre-registration fee is adopted.
    : From April 10, Saturday, 2010 to April 28, Friday, 2010

How to participate in Inter-Society Symposium on Plasma Sciences

Member rate is adopted even if you are not JpGU Member. Procedure is shown below. 
Log-in Screen 1.ID Type
2. Password Type
Menu Screen 3. Meeting registration Button Click
4. Participation Category Choice
Full conference  /  24-hours ticket]
(Screen shown Non-JpGU Member rate but discount rate is shown on the next screen)
5. Societies you belong to Choice
''The Astronomical Society of Japan'' 
''The Physical Society of Japan''
6. PasswordType
Given to you by the society you belong to beforehand. Please contact the society you belong to.
Confirmation Screen 7. Click Registration button and go to the Payment Screen.
Payment Procedure 8. Only credit card payment is available.