Program book Advertisement

CategoryJpGU Meeting newspaper type program
TypeA3 size newspaper type black-and-white print around 60 pages  420mm(H)x297mm(W)
Number of delivery addresses55,000 copies (Record of 2011 May Edition)
Issuing dateWhen JpGU Meeting is held  once a year, every May
ReadershipEarth planetary Science related universities, organization, academic societies' researchers, educators, students and ordinary people
(Distributed to participants and those who submits abstracts)
Area/SizeFull page
1/2 page
1/4 page
1/8 page
At the back of the front page
and at the back of the last page
300,000 JPY150,000 JPY75,000 JPY40,000 JPY
On the last page500,000 JPY250,000 JPY125,000 JPY65,000 JPY
*There's often the cases we can't meet your requirements.
CategoryJpGU Meeting English Program Book
TypeA4 size book type black-and-white print around 45 pages  297mm(H)x210mm(W)
Number of delivery addresses55,000 copies (Record of 2011 May Edition)
Issuing dateWhen JpGU Meeting is held  once a year, every May
ReadershipEarth planetary Science related universities, organization, academic societies' researchers, educators, students and ordinary people
(Distributed to participants and those who submits abstracts)
Area/SizeFull page1/2 page1/4 page
Fee50,000 JPY25,000 JPY12,500 JPY
*There's often the cases we can't meet your requirements.