
1. セッション区分、記号

パブリック O-05

2. タイトル

Geoparks in Japan -Evaluation hearing of the aspiring geoparks and highlight of geoparks in Japan-

(プログラム掲載短縮名 日本のジオパーク Geoparks in Japan)

3. 代表コンビーナ

渡辺 真人 (産業技術総合研究所地質情報研究部門 )

Mahito Watanabe (Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology )

4. スコープ


Aspiring geoparks will give presentations as a part of the evaluation process to authorize them as "Japan Geopark", a member of the Japanese Geoparks Network, by the Japan Geopark Committee. The highlight and activity of geoparks in Japan will be presented for the public in the poster session.
