General [Education and Outreach] (G)
Session Sub-category
Session IDG-02
Title Comprehensive disaster prevention education
Short Title Disaster prevention education
Date & Time
AM2 Sun, 21 MAY
PM3 Sun, 21 MAY
AM1 Sunday, 21 MAY
Main ConvenerName Shintaro Hayashi
Affiliation Akita University Graduate School of Education
Co-Convener 1Name Hiroshi Une
Co-Convener 2Name Hitoshi Nakai
Affiliation Kobuchisawa Research Institute for Nature and Education
Co-Convener 3Name Jiro Komori
Affiliation Teikyo Heisei University
Session Language J
Scope The scope of this session covers all aspects of disaster education, including education on the science of natural disasters, disaster education methods, disaster education handbooks, issues in disaster education in schools, and education on recovery from disasters. The main theme of this session is disaster information literacy related to hazard maps. Hazard maps are based on certain assumptions and always have limitations. Educating citizens to understand this is important for them to take disaster prevention actions, and it needs to be incorporated into disaster prevention education. While this session will focus on disaster information literacy, we will also accept reports from a wide range of geography and geoscience fields on discussions of comprehensive and sustainable disaster education and on disaster education as a starting point for the scope of next year's session and beyond.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -