Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (A)
Session Sub-categoryCG
Session IDA-CG44
Title Future global ocean observation system: complementarity of autonomous and shipboard observations
Short Title Future global ocean observation
Date & Time
AM2 Thu, 25 MAY
PM3 Thu, 25 MAY
AM2 Friday, 26 MAY
Main ConvenerName Shigeki Hosoda
Affiliation JAMSTEC
Co-Convener 1Name Shota Katsura
Affiliation Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Co-Convener 2Name Yosuke Fujii
Affiliation Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
Co-Convener 3Name Shuhei Masuda
Affiliation Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Session Language J
Scope Global ocean observations will shift to the observing system based mainly on automated observations in the future, utilizing Argo floats, ocean gliders and earth observation satellites, etc. Is it possible to fully complement shipboard observations based on water sampling and high accuracy measurements? We will review the complementarity and uniqueness of current observation systems, and discuss the ideal form of future ocean observation. Argo and other autonomous ocean observation systems are directed to higher sampling density and multivariate. On the other hand, shipboard observations, which excel in accuracy and material detection, have gradually become difficult to perform due to recent increasing fuel charge and reducing human and material resources. Autonomous and shipboard observation can be complementary to each other, by taking their own advantages, and they should co-exist as observation platforms. Therefore, we need to consider how much we should focus on automated and shipboard observation for the future, including human resource and instrument developments, while taking into account the future development of ocean science and technology. In this session, we will discuss the complementarity and uniqueness of observation platforms, highlighting the results and processes of past observations and modeling analysis. We will also make a discussion with young researchers and graduate students to form a common understanding of the current status and future direction of the global ocean observation.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -
The Oceanographic Society of Japan