Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2023
Session Proposal Items
Session Proposal Items
1. Session Category and Subcategory Required Select a session category from 7 JpGU categories and a subcategory.

*The session category for Union Sessions must be "M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)".
If you select "M", you should select a "main section" out of the 5 Science sections.
2. Request for Union Session and Public Session Required If you would like to hold a Union or Public Session please select "Union" or "Public". ▶Union Session Guidelines
▶Public Session Guidelines
3. Session Language Required Conveners are to select either "E" or "J" as the language to be used at their sessions.
Details are available HERE.
4. Session Title Optional Japanese title (Full)
*within 30 characters
Japanese title (Short)
*within 12 characters
Required English title (Full)
*within 100 characters
English title (Short)
*within 40 characters
5. Session Conveners Required Search and enter the convener(s) you would like to register.
*JpGU ID is required to be registered as a convener.
The person will not appear if she/he doesn't have a JpGU ID.

The maximum number allowed is one main convener and up to three co-conveners, four conveners in total per session.
*All conveners can work on the assigned tasks.

*At least two conveners, one main convener and one co-convener, are required to propose a session since 2022. Please note that proposals without a co-convener will not be accepted.
6. Joint Session with Partner Unions Optional Convener can indicate their intention to have a joint session with our Partner Unions, AGU, AOGS, EGU and CGU Taipei.
Please note that a separate action is required to be accepted as a joint session. Also, the condition differs depending on the partner union.
If you wish to hold a joint session, please see the Collaborative Session Guidelines and submit your application by the deadline.
7. Session Scope Optional Japanese Scope (Optional)
*within 500 characters
Required English Scope
*within 2000 characters
8. Presentation Format of the Session Required Conveners are to select the presentation format of the session. The option is either "Oral and Poster" or "Poster-only."
Please note that oral-only session cannot be requested except for special sessions such as Union and Public sessions.
9. Session History at JpGU Required Select the most recent session you have held at the JpGU meeting.

If the session is a newly proposed session, please enter your plan on how many abstract submissions you are expecting.
10. Communication to JpGU Office Optional If you have a special matter that is needed to be communicated to the Program Committee or JpGU office at this point, please enter here.
*Within 400 characters.

DO NOT enter your additional requests (avoidance of overlaps, successive time slot, dates to avoid, etc. ) here. We will accept these requests later using the designated system after your session is accepted.
Such requests entered in this box will not be considered.