Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary (M)
Session Sub-categoryOthers (ZZ)
Session IDM-ZZ45
Title Value and management of wetland in Ramsar Wetlands / Geoparks / National Parks
Short Title Wetland Value and management
Date & Time Oral session - Channel -
Poster session -
Main ConvenerName Kuniyasu Mokudai
Affiliation Tohoku Gakuin University
Co-Convener 1Name Takeyuki Ueki
Affiliation Faculty of Risk and Crisis Management, Chiba Institute of Science
Co-Convener 2Name Mamoru Koarai
Affiliation Earth Science course, College of Science, Ibaraki University
Session Language J
Scope The value of wetlands has been evaluated by the Ramsar Convention, Geoparks, Biosphere Reserve, and World Heritage Sites. Their conservation and wise use have been discussed, but many valuable wetlands have disappeared. Some geoscientists have contributed to conservation on wetland, but the amount of discussions is still small compared to ecologists. We would like to evaluate the value of wetlands from the viewpoint of earth science, the current state of wetlands that are being lost, conservation measures, and practical reports on wise use. We will also discuss institutional aspects such as how to effectively utilize various systems such as the Ramsar Convention, Geopark Program, and Natural Parks Act.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster presentation
Collaboration Joint with -
Co-sponsored with Japan Association for Quaternary Research