Crustal Structure
The aim of this session is to cover seismological and geophysical studies on the Earth's crust. Contribution on seismological and geophysical structure of the crust, processes that develop in the crust which include earthquakes, volcanoes and geological descriptions of the crust are welcomed. We also welcome theoretical and methodological studies that will serve as basics in such explorations.
Eiji Kurashimo
Abstract Download
Session Informations
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May 23rd SSS034 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
SSS034-P01 Crustal structure around the focal area of the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake by an airgun-OBS seismic survey Ryosuke Azuma Ryosuke Azuma,
Yoshio Murai,
Kei Katsumata et al.
SSS034-P02 Group velocity distribution of Rayleigh wave in the central part of the Tohoku rejoin by ambient noise cross-correlation Ryota Takagi Ryota Takagi,
Tomomi Okada,
Hisashi Nakahara et al.
SSS034-P03 Seismic Reflection Survey at Kawajima Saitama Shinobu Ito Shinobu Ito,
Kazuo Yamaguchi,
Takanobu Yokokura et al.
SSS034-P04 Estimation of Vs Using one 3-Component Seismometer with P-wave Reflection Profiling - Application to a Survey in Saitama Toshiki Ohtaki Toshiki Ohtaki,
Naomi Kano,
Takanobu Yokokura
SSS034-P05 Relationship between half-graben and high-velocities area at depths of 10km in Kanto area 4 Yukio Oishi Yukio Oishi
SSS034-P06 Seismic structure under the Kanto Plain using receiver functions from deep borehole records Takumi Murakoshi Takumi Murakoshi,
Hiroshi Takenaka
SSS034-P07 Crustal structure in the northwestern part of the Izu collision zone Ryuta Arai Ryuta Arai,
Takaya Iwasaki,
Hiroshi Sato
SSS034-P08 Shear-wave Splitting Analysis in the Focal Area of Earthquake Swarm at the Hakone Volcano Yu Nihara Yu Nihara,
Keiichi Tadokoro
SSS034-P09 A Pilot Study on Three-dimensional S-wave Anisotropic Tomography Motoko Ishise Motoko Ishise
SSS034-P10 Estimation of Polarization Anisotropy in Multilayer Structure by using Ps-converted Wave Mitsumi Watanabe Mitsumi Watanabe,
Hitoshi Oda
SSS034-P11 Anisotrophic medium structures above a deep low-frequency tremor zone in the southern Kii peninsula Atsushi Saiga Atsushi Saiga,
Aitaro Kato,
Eiji Kurashimo et al.
SSS034-P12 Estimation of velocity discontinuities in and around the swarm seismicity region beneath the Kii Peninsula Issei Doi Michikiyo Narazaki,
Issei Doi,
Hironori Kawakata
SSS034-P13 Semi-permanent continuous monitoring of a focal region along an interplate boundary by seismic ACROSS & multi-receivers Kayoko Tsuruga Kayoko Tsuruga,
Junzo Kasahara,
Yoko Hasada et al.
SSS034-P14 Quasi-realtime analysis of seismic ACROSS signal transmitted from Morimachi Yasuhiro Yoshida Yasuhiro Yoshida,
Akio Katsumata,
Takahiro Kunitomo et al.
SSS034-P15 The subsurface structure in northern Mino region, central Japan revealed by reflection method Hiroshi Furuya Hiroshi Furuya,
Noriko Tsumura,
Nozomi Komada et al.
SSS034-P16 Second report on the Deep Seismic Profiling "Northern MinoTransect(NORM)2009" in the NW part of Central Japan Noriko Tsumura Noriko Tsumura,
Shigeharu Mizohata,
Akira Fujiwara et al.
SSS034-P17 Seismic survey using artificial sources at Nobi fault system, central Japan - advanced analysis Kentaro Omura Kentaro Omura,
Youichi Asano,
Tetsuya Takeda et al.
SSS034-P18 A Gravity Survey in the Southern Area of Uemachi Fault Zone Kunihiro RYOKI Kunihiro RYOKI,
Tadashi Nishitani
SSS034-P19 Terrestrial heat flow and thermal structure in Southwest Japan Takumi Matsumoto Takumi Matsumoto
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