Mineral physics and dynamics of deep mantle
Interdisciplinary approach can lead to a better understanding of dynamics and evolution of the Earth's deep interior. We invite submissions of recent results in theoretical and experimental studies on mineral physics, geodynamics of deep mantle, and any relevant field from researchers in many countries. Integration of such results is also welcome.
Dapeng Zhao
Masanori Kameyama, Takashi Yoshino
Abstract Download
Session Informations
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May 26th SIT004 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: PM1
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
SIT004-P01 Texturing in the Earth s inner core due to preferential growth in its equatorial belt Philippe CARDIN Philippe CARDIN,
Renaud DEGUEN,
Sebastien MERKEL et al.
SIT004-P02 Diffusion of Co, Mo in FeNi alloy at high pressure Shuangming Shan Shuangming Shan,
Meili WANG,
Takashi YOSHINO et al.
SIT004-P03 Toward mineralogical interpretation of LLSVP: High-P,T elasticity of deep mantle materials Jun Tsuchiya Jun Tsuchiya,
Taku Tsuchiya
SIT004-P04 Seismological and mineral physical joint modeling on seismic anisotropy above/below D" Yusuke Usui Yusuke Usui,
Taku Tsuchiya
SIT004-P05 X-ray absorption spectroscopy of iron-bearing minerals under high pressure. Atsuhiro Fujii Atsuhiro Fujii,
Tadashi Kondo,
Shigefumi Matsumoto et al.
SIT004-P06 Numerical investigations of the effects of spatial variations in physical properties on the mantle convective patterns Arata Miyauchi Arata Miyauchi,
Masanori Kameyama,
Hiroki Ichikawa
SIT004-P07 Fe distribution between (post-)perovskite and ferropericlase Yoshinori Tange Yoshinori Tange,
Taku Tsuchiya
SIT004-P08 Improvement of a semi-dynamical numerical model of a subduction zone in a 3D sphere and its applications Manabu Morishige Manabu Morishige,
Satoru Honda,
Paul J. Tackley
SIT004-P09 Metastable postspinel and post-garnet transitions in pyrolite: an implication for multiple seismic discontinuities Nanako Kamegata Nanako Kamegata,
Norimasa Nishiyama,
Tetsuo Irifune
SIT004-P10 Electrical conductivity measurements of hydrous minerals under high pressure Xinzhuan Guo Xinzhuan Guo,
Takashi Yoshino,
Takuo Okuchi et al.
SIT004-P11 Adjoint tomography of East Asia Masayuki Obayashi Masayuki Obayashi,
Yoko Tono,
Seiji Tsuboi et al.
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