Structure and Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
This session provides an opportunity to present recent results from satellite and ground-based observations, and theoretical and simulation studies, and discuss magnetospheric structures and phenomena including the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, magnetic storms, and substorms. Discussion on future missions and instrument development are also welcome.
Hiroshi Hasegawa
Hisato Shirai
Abstract Downloads
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 25th Room:103 Time:PM2
SessionID:PEM027 Chairman:Aoi Nakamizo, Akiko Fujimoto
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
16:30 PEM027-01 Initial results of auroral observations using an EMCCD camera in 2010/2011 winter campaign at Poker Flat Research Range Takanori Nishiyama Takanori Nishiyama,
Takeshi Sakanoi,
Yoshizumi Miyoshi et al.
16:45 PEM027-02 Structure of field lines associated with ionosphere-driven interchange instability from the magnetosphere to atmosphere Akira Miura Akira Miura
17:00 PEM027-03 Spatiotemporal characteristics of Toroidal Pc 5 ULF during high-speed solar wind intervals Akiko Fujimoto Akiko Fujimoto,
Ayako Matsuoka,
Yoshizumi Miyoshi
17:15 PEM027-04 Activities of Pc5 pulsations in high-latitudes associated with energetic ion enhancement at geosynchronous altitudes Osuke Saka Osuke Saka,
Kanji Hayashi,
17:30 PEM027-05 Statistical analysis of the ion pitch angle distribution in the inner magnetosphere Subaru Tomita Subaru Tomita,
Masahito Nose,
Jonathan Niehof et al.
17:45 PEM027-06 Magnetic Configurations around a Plasmoid in the Near-Earth Magnetotail Koji Kondoh Koji Kondoh
18:00 PEM027-07 Characteristics of fast plasma flows in the near-earth plasma sheet Aoi Nakamizo Aoi Nakamizo,
Shinichi Ohtani,
Yukinaga Miyashita et al.
18:15 PEM027-08 Magnetospheric Dynamics on Southward/Northward Turning of IMF Tatsuki Ogino Tatsuki Ogino,
Kazuhiro Ito,
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