Earth and planetary sciences using small satellites
This session covers scientific small satellite programs under proposal, development, and operational stage in all subjects, for earth, near-earth, and planetary observation from earth orbit. It covers all subjects related to small satellite programs; mission proposal, instrument/satellite system studies, development status, international relations, and piggybacks programs including ISS.
Makoto Suzuki
Mitsuteru Sato, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Akinori Saito
Abstract Download
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 27th MSD004 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
MSD004-P01 Remore sensing of vegetation by using SWIR hyperspectral remote sensing Makoto Suzuki Makoto Suzuki,
Naohiro Manago,
Hiroaki Kuze et al.
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