International Human Dimensions Programme
To discuss the issues related with IHDP, namely global/regional environmental changes, their mechanisms, effect, problems and mitigation from the broad perspectives of human geosphere sciences including earth sciences, geography, hazard studies and social sciences.
Yukio Himiyama
Kayoko Yamamoto, Yamagata Yoshiki
Abstract Download
Session Informations
Cancellation and time schedule change are shown here.

May 26th HSC003 Room: Convention Hall
Core Time: AM2
The colored are the invited.
Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
HSC003-P01 Risk in the historical cities in community based planning period Hidehiko Kanegae Hidehiko Kanegae
HSC003-P02 GIS analysis on changing urban cultural environments: towards assisting participatory neighborhood planning Takashi Oda Takashi Oda
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