Biocalcification and the geochemistry of proxies
In order to reconstruct the Earth climate system, marine paleoclimatologists resort to transfer functions or geochemical proxies, which are produced or affected by organisms. The relationships used for reconstructions are generally based on field calibrations or derived from laboratory experiments. The danger of these so called empirical relationships is that they maybe valid only within the restricted parameter space of their calibration. Application of proxy relationships to very different environmental settings (e.g. high vs. low latitude or glacial vs. interglacial) requires a mechanistic understanding of these relationships. Much progress can be expected by a better understanding of the biocalcification mechanisms and the incorporation of proxy signals. In this session we invite contributions related to the biocalcification, calibration and validation of marine proxies.
Hiroshi Kitazato
Akiko Yokoyama, Tomoko Yuasa
Abstract Downloads
Session Informations
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May 26th Room:201B Time:AM1
SessionID:BPO003 Chairman:Hiroshi Kitazato
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
08:30 BPO003-01 Introduction to the Joint session Hiroshi Kitazato Hiroshi Kitazato
08:45 BPO003-02 Vesicle Dynamics In Foraminifera Nina Keul Nina Keul,
Lennart Jan de Nooijer,
Gerald Langer et al.
09:00 BPO003-03 Characterization of the shell matrix proteins of calcareous foraminifera Isao Sarashina Isao Sarashina,
Takashi Toyofuku,
Kazuhiko Fujita et al.
09:15 BPO003-04 Foraminiferal cellular pH control under low pH environment in the laboratory Takashi Toyofuku Takashi Toyofuku,
Lennart Jan de Nooijer,
Hidetaka Nomaki et al.
09:30 BPO003-05 Improvement of culturing experiment of planktic foraminifera using the fluorescent indicator calcein Daiki Kawata Daiki Kawata,
Minoru Ikehara,
09:45 BPO003-06 Effects of thermal and salinity stresses on coral calcification: approach by aposymbiotic and symbiotic primary polyps Mayuri Inoue Mayuri Inoue,
Akira Iguchi,
Shinmen Kotaro et al.
10:00 BPO003-07 Interindividual differences in stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera: the profile of isotopic disequilibrium Toyoho Ishimura Toyoho Ishimura,
Urumu Tsunogai,
Takeshi Oi et al.
10:15 BPO003-08 Effects of carbonate leaching on foraminifer stable isotopes ratios Stephen Obrochta Stephen Obrochta,
Saburo Sakai,
Toyoho Ishimura et al.
May 26th Room:201B Time:AM2
SessionID:BPO003 Chairman:Takashi Toyofuku, Hiroshi Kitazato
The colored are the invited.
Start Time Presentation Number Title (PDF download) Presenter Authors
10:45 BPO003-09 A Holocene diatom oxygen isotopes record from the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean Masako Yamane Masako Yamane,
Yusuke Okazaki,
Akira Ijiri et al.
11:00 BPO003-10 Temperature dependence of Mg isotope fractionation in deep-sea coral: paleoceanographic implications as a new proxy Toshihiro Yoshimura Toshihiro Yoshimura,
Masaharu Tanimizu,
Mayuri Inoue et al.
11:15 BPO003-11 Assessment of foraminiferal richness from deep-sea benthos using Illumina massive sequencing technology Beatrice Lecroq Beatrice Lecroq,
Franck Lejzerowicz,
Jan Pawlowski et al.
11:30 BPO003-12 Genetic diversity of planktic foraminifera and the bipolarity of genotypes in the Pacific Atsushi Kurasawa Atsushi Kurasawa,
Masashi Tsuchiya,
Hiroshi Kitazato et al.
11:45 BPO003-13 Chlorophyll derivatives as proxies of the marine photosynthetic production and succeeding biogeochemical processes Yuichiro Kashiyama Yuichiro Kashiyama,
Hisami Suga,
Daiki Fujinuma et al.
12:00 BPO003-14 Distributions of archaeal membrane lipid and DNA within the modern coastal shallow marine water column Kazuyoshi MORIYA Kazuyoshi MORIYA,
Michinobu Kuwae,
Masanobu Yamamoto et al.
12:15 BPO003-15 Effect of surface ocean stratification on the distribution of planktic foraminifers Ralf Schiebel Ralf Schiebel
12:30 BPO003-16 Stable isotopic composition of polar planktonic foraminifera: Results from sediment trap study in the North Pacific Azumi Kuroyanagi Azumi Kuroyanagi,
hodaka kawahata,
Hiroshi Nishi et al.
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