セッション小記号 資源・鉱床・資源探査(RD)
セッションID S-RD20
タイトル 和文 Cutting-edge sensing technology applied to geology and resource exploration
英文 Cutting-edge sensing technology applied to geology and resource exploration
タイトル短縮名 和文 Sensing technology for geological survey
英文 Sensing technology for geological survey
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 高橋 幸弘
英文 Yukihiro Takahashi
所属 和文 北海道大学・大学院理学院・宇宙理学専攻
英文 Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 Decibel Villarisco Faustino-Eslava
英文 Decibel Villarisco Faustino-Eslava
所属 和文 Geological Society of the Philippines
英文 Geological Society of the Philippines
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 Mohd Hariri Arifin
英文 Mohd Hariri Arifin
所属 和文 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
英文 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
In geology and resource exploration, remote sensing is a powerful and effective tool for surveying difficult-to-reach sites and wide areas. However, manned aircraft are expensive and require a large setup, and existing satellites are not always sufficient for the short time required in areas with high cloud cover, such as tropical regions. In recent years, the capabilities of small drones and micro-satellites have been improved significantly, making it possible to use on-demand remote sensing. In addition, while ordinary color cameras and multi-band cameras with only a few bands had limited accuracy in indetifying geological features, the advent of multi-band cameras and hyper-sensors with more than several dozen bands is changing geological and resource exploration to a large extent. In this session, we invite a wide range of presentations on geological survey and resource exploration using such state-of-the-art measurement methods, including remote sensing. This session is jointly organized by IAGI (Indonesian Geologists Association), GSP (Geological Society of the Philippines), GSM (Geological Society of Malaysia), and JpGU.
In geology and resource exploration, remote sensing is a powerful and effective tool for surveying difficult-to-reach sites and wide areas. However, manned aircraft are expensive and require a large setup, and existing satellites are not always sufficient for the short time required in areas with high cloud cover, such as tropical regions. In recent years, the capabilities of small drones and micro-satellites have been improved significantly, making it possible to use on-demand remote sensing. In addition, while ordinary color cameras and multi-band cameras with only a few bands had limited accuracy in indetifying geological features, the advent of multi-band cameras and hyper-sensors with more than several dozen bands is changing geological and resource exploration to a large extent. In this session, we invite a wide range of presentations on geological survey and resource exploration using such state-of-the-art measurement methods, including remote sensing. This session is jointly organized by IAGI (Indonesian Geologists Association), GSP (Geological Society of the Philippines), GSM (Geological Society of Malaysia), and JpGU.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 大友 陽子 (北海道大学大学院工学研究院)
岡田 夏男 (北海道大学大学院工学院)
Garid Zorigoo (Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University)
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月30日 PM3
SRD20-P01 Wide-area ore deposits exploration system using a drone equipped with a multispectral camera 大友 陽子
SRD20-P02 Complementing Hyperspectral-Imaging with Multispectral-Imaging for non-areal vegetation monitoring Garid Zorigoo
SRD20-P03 衛星スペクトルデータの高空間分解能化及び鉱物解析のためのアプリケーションの開発 岡田 夏男
SRD20-P04 Measuring Spectral Reflectance Variability in the Gobi Desert by Observation Angles Begzsuren Tumendemberel
SRD20-P05 Determination of vegetation’s red edge slope and Leaf Area Index using hyperspectral LCTF camera Begzsuren Tumendemberel