セッション小記号 岩石学・鉱物学(MP)
セッションID S-MP21
タイトル 和文 Oceanic and Continental Subduction Processes: petrologic and geochemical perspective
英文 Oceanic and Continental Subduction Processes: petrologic and geochemical perspective
タイトル短縮名 和文 Oceanic & Cont. Subduc. Process
英文 Oceanic & Cont. Subduc. Process
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 礼満 ハフィーズ
所属 和文 鹿児島大学
英文 Kagoshima University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 今山 武志
英文 Takeshi Imayama
所属 和文 岡山理科大学フロンティア理工学研究所
英文 Research Institute of Frontier and Science Technology, Okayama University of Science
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 Chatterjee Sayantani
英文 Sayantani Chatterjee
所属 和文 Niigata University, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science
英文 Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 DRIPTA DUTTA
所属 和文 Okayama University of Science
英文 Okayama University of Science
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
Major orogenic belts on earth are formed by multi-dynamic processes such as subduction and collision. The resulted belts extend for hundreds of kilometers and the lithological or tectonic units preserve records of the evolutionary events. Investigation of such orogenic belts on a regional scale, rocks and minerals on a macro- and micro-scale, and understanding how, when and under what conditions the rocks and minerals formed allow earth scientists to elucidate geological events that occurred in the earth's interior and/or near the surface. Investigation of stress-strain regimes of rocks and minerals envisage deformation at plate-scale. Similarly, investigating crystallization/recrystallization of minerals from magma or due to metamorphic reactions, we can interpret the past events of the earth's history.  Detailed geochemical analysis of bulk rocks and minerals enables us to estimate the water-rock interaction ratios and the role of fluid in the formation of minerals and rocks. Finally, geochronological investigations of specific minerals (such as zircon, garnet, rutile, apatite etc.) give information regarding the time-scale of crustal growth or metamorphic events. 
The proposed international session in the JpGU 2024 aims at bringing earth scientists from Japan and overseas to present their research related to the processes of subduction, collision, and metamorphism of crustal rocks, formation of the oceanic/continental arcs, and accretion/ tectonic erosion of material along subduction boundaries. 
Topics such as processes in subduction zones, accretion of volcaniclastic or terrigenous sediments along the subduction/collision boundaries, deformation and metamorphism of subducted crust, recycling of material, and geochemical and geophysical methodologies to unravel the geodynamic history preserved in various orogenic belts will be focus of the session. Exchange of ideas among geoscientists related to the theme of the session is most welcome.
Major orogenic belts on earth are formed by multi-dynamic processes such as subduction and collision. The resulted belts extend for hundreds of kilometers and the lithological or tectonic units preserve records of the evolutionary events. Investigation of such orogenic belts on a regional scale, rocks and minerals on a macro- and micro-scale, and understanding how, when and under what conditions the rocks and minerals formed allow earth scientists to elucidate geological events that occurred in the earth's interior and/or near the surface. Investigation of stress-strain regimes of rocks and minerals envisage deformation at plate-scale. Similarly, investigating crystallization/recrystallization of minerals from magma or due to metamorphic reactions, we can interpret the past events of the earth's history.  Detailed geochemical analysis of bulk rocks and minerals enables us to estimate the water-rock interaction ratios and the role of fluid in the formation of minerals and rocks. Finally, geochronological investigations of specific minerals (such as zircon, garnet, rutile, apatite etc.) give information regarding the time-scale of crustal growth or metamorphic events. 
The proposed international session in the JpGU 2024 aims at bringing earth scientists from Japan and overseas to present their research related to the processes of subduction, collision, and metamorphism of crustal rocks, formation of the oceanic/continental arcs, and accretion/ tectonic erosion of material along subduction boundaries. 
Topics such as processes in subduction zones, accretion of volcaniclastic or terrigenous sediments along the subduction/collision boundaries, deformation and metamorphism of subducted crust, recycling of material, and geochemical and geophysical methodologies to unravel the geodynamic history preserved in various orogenic belts will be focus of the session. Exchange of ideas among geoscientists related to the theme of the session is most welcome.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 岩森 光 (東京大学・地震研究所)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月29日 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 SMP21-01 Water transportation of subducting oceanic plate beneath the Noto peninsula. 岡本 和明
14:00 - 14:15 SMP21-02 Cycling of groundwaters and deep-seated fluids beneath Kyushu: unsupervised machine learning of geochemical data 岩森 光
14:15 - 14:30 SMP21-03 Petro-fabric and seismic anisotropy of eclogites from the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Shokoku, SW Japan 礼満 ハフィーズ
14:30 - 14:45 SMP21-04 Microstructural attributes of (ultra-) high-pressure eclogite and retrograded amphibolite from the Tso Morari Complex DRIPTA DUTTA
14:45 - 15:00 SMP21-05 Subduction thermal state, slab metamorphism and seismicity in Makran subduction zone Haris Faheem
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月29日 PM3
SMP21-P01 Zircon U-Pb, Hf, and O isotope data reveal a close relationship between the Garhwal Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence and the South China Craton during the Neoproterozoic 今山 武志
SMP21-P02 Metamorphic evolution of a high-pressure gneiss from the eastern Ngoc Linh Complex of the Kon Tum Massif, Vietnam: Implications for the Indochina-South China collision 臼杵 直
SMP21-P03 エンリッチした同位体比を持つ南西北海道札幌岳-空沼岳マグマの成因とその豊羽鉱床形成に関する示唆 石田 美月
SMP21-P04 Early Neoproterozoic granitoids in the Ereendavaa block, NE Mongolia: A correspondence with Precambrian blocks in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt Munkhdelger BOLD
SMP21-P05 Structural evolution in southern extension of the Klaeng fault zone, eastern Thailand Kittichai Chansom