セッション小記号 地球内部科学・地球惑星テクトニクス(IT)
セッションID S-IT16
タイトル 和文 惑星中心核:内部構造・形成・進化
英文 Planetary cores: Structure, formation, and evolution
タイトル短縮名 和文 惑星中心核
英文 Planetary cores
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 飯塚 理子
英文 Riko Iizuka-Oku
所属 和文 早稲田大学教育学部理学科地球科学専修
英文 Department of Earth Sciences, School of Education, Waseda University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 中島 陽一
英文 Yoichi Nakajima
所属 和文 熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部物理科学講座
英文 Department of Physics, Kumamoto University
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 新名 良介
英文 Ryosuke Sinmyo
所属 和文 明治大学
英文 Meiji University
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 河口 沙織
英文 Saori Kawaguchi-Imada
所属 和文 高輝度光科学研究センター
英文 Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
There are fundamental links between the formation and evolution of planets and their satellites to that of their cores, both in terms of magnetic field generation and chemical and physical structures. Defining properties of cores and core materials are therefore important for understanding their internal structures, evolution, and thermal profile. Recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies provide new insights into the Earth's cores and the cores of other terrestrial bodies. We seek to understand the nature and role of light elements in the early history of planets and better define their current state. Recent, on-going and future space missions have and will continue to obtain data on the internal structure of terrestrial planets (e.g., Mars and Mercury) and planet-satellite systems. We welcome presentations on recent advances on the physical and chemical properties of cores and discussions regarding the latest views of their formation and evolution. We welcome contributions from mineral/rock physics, geophysics, geochemistry, geodynamics, and planetary science. We also welcome papers stimulating an interdisciplinary collaboration relating to establishment of the Study of Earth Deep Interior (SEDI)-Japan community. The Commission of Physics of Minerals of the International Mineralogical Association (CPM-IMA) sponsors this session.
There are fundamental links between the formation and evolution of planets and their satellites to that of their cores, both in terms of magnetic field generation and chemical and physical structures. Defining properties of cores and core materials are therefore important for understanding their internal structures, evolution, and thermal profile. Recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies provide new insights into the Earth's cores and the cores of other terrestrial bodies. We seek to understand the nature and role of light elements in the early history of planets and better define their current state. Recent, on-going and future space missions have and will continue to obtain data on the internal structure of terrestrial planets (e.g., Mars and Mercury) and planet-satellite systems. We welcome presentations on recent advances on the physical and chemical properties of cores and discussions regarding the latest views of their formation and evolution. We welcome contributions from mineral/rock physics, geophysics, geochemistry, geodynamics, and planetary science. We also welcome papers stimulating an interdisciplinary collaboration relating to establishment of the Study of Earth Deep Interior (SEDI)-Japan community. The Commission of Physics of Minerals of the International Mineralogical Association (CPM-IMA) sponsors this session.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
ジョイントセッション AGU
招待講演 Lauren Waszek (James Cook University)
Anne Pommier (Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Lab)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月29日 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 SIT16-01 Helium in the Earth’s core William F McDonough
14:00 - 14:15 SIT16-02 火星の小さい核とマントル最下部の溶融層の化学組成 大谷 栄治
14:15 - 14:30 SIT16-03 High-Pressure Experiments on Fe3S2 and Fe2S and the Phase Diagram of the Fe-FeS System under Martian Core Conditions 坂井 郁哉
14:30 - 14:45 SIT16-04 Stability and elastic property of C37-type Ni2Si under high-pressure 中島 陽一
14:45 - 15:00 SIT16-05 Investigation of Mercury's Core using Electrical Laboratory Experiments and Parameterized Modeling Anne Pommier
口頭発表 5月29日 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 SIT16-06 Experimental study on trapped melt in iron meteorite: Implication for core solidification in planetesimals 寺崎 英紀
15:45 - 16:00 SIT16-07 Impact of thermal core-mantle interaction on back reaction of magnetic field on rotating penetrative convection TIRTHARAJ BARMAN
16:00 - 16:15 SIT16-08 A long-lasting tenuous Ediacaran dynamo: Linkages to inner core nucleation and the evolution of animal life John Anthony Tarduno
16:15 - 16:30 SIT16-09 Sound velocity measurement for high-pressure phase of iron sulfide compounds at high pressure and high temperature 生田 大穣
16:30 - 16:45 SIT16-10 The thermal and compositional patterns of Earth’s inner core inferred from novel seismic measurement techniques Lauren Waszek
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月29日 PM3
SIT16-P01 何故プレートに地磁気逆転の縞模様が着き,その地磁気逆転が交互起こるのか? 何故,海洋底プレートだけが移動するのか? 種子 彰
SIT16-P02 何故 バンアレン帯が偏芯しているのか? "地球にマントル断裂片が衝突し,外核が約500kmも偏芯したから"である。 種子 彰
SIT16-P03 Effects of Si and O in the metal on the S partitioning between liquid metal and molten silicate at high pressure and temperature based on ab initio calculations 伊藤 慧
SIT16-P04 海洋島玄武岩におけるタングステン同位体異常の地球化学的制約 宮嶋 郁佳
SIT16-P05 Preliminary Core-Mantle Boundary Heat Flux map implied by deep seismic structures 松永 拓巳
SIT16-P06 Deep Learning Interatomic Potentials Developed for Understanding Deep Planetary Interiors 小松 勇