宇宙惑星科学(P) | |||
セッション小記号 | 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境(EM) | ||
セッションID | P-EM13 | ||
タイトル | 和文 | Dynamics of the Inner Magnetospheric System | |
英文 | Dynamics of the Inner Magnetospheric System | ||
タイトル短縮名 | 和文 | Inner Magnetospheric System | |
英文 | Inner Magnetospheric System | ||
代表コンビーナ | 氏名 | 和文 | 桂華 邦裕 |
英文 | Kunihiro Keika | ||
所属 | 和文 | 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻 | |
英文 | Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo | ||
共同コンビーナ 1 | 氏名 | 和文 | 三好 由純 |
英文 | Yoshizumi Miyoshi | ||
所属 | 和文 | 名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所 | |
英文 | Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University | ||
共同コンビーナ 2 | 氏名 | 和文 | Theodore E Sarris |
英文 | Theodore E Sarris | ||
所属 | 和文 | Democritus University of Thrace | |
英文 | Democritus University of Thrace | ||
共同コンビーナ 3 | 氏名 | 和文 | Evan G Thomas |
英文 | Evan G Thomas | ||
所属 | 和文 | Dartmouth College | |
英文 | Dartmouth College | ||
発表言語 | E | ||
スコープ | 和文 |
The inner magnetosphere is a highly dynamic and variable region, mainly due to the changes in energy input from the solar wind through the magnetotail and the plasma supply from the ionosphere. This complex system is affected by various cross-regional, cross-scale, and cross-energy coupling processes. To gain a deeper understanding of this dynamic system, it is essential to conduct comprehensive studies using coordinated observations with multi-point satellite measurements, ground-based networks, and theoretical modeling. Since the 24th solar cycle, such comprehensive studies have been made possible with the help of multiple satellites (Van Allen Probes, MMS, THEMIS, DSX, Arase, CubeSats, etc.), coordinated ground-based observations (THEMIS-GBO, SuperDARN, EISCAT, magnetometers, riometer, etc.), and numerical simulations (global kinetic model, MHD model, micro PIC, hybrid, particle tracing simulations, etc.). This session invites papers presenting recent results on the inner magnetosphere and its coupling/connection with surrounding regions, including the ionosphere and the outer magnetosphere. Papers on new projects (sounding rocket experiments, data assimilation/machine learning, CubeSats, etc.) and future spacecraft missions are also welcome. |
英文 |
The inner magnetosphere is a highly dynamic and variable region, mainly due to the changes in energy input from the solar wind through the magnetotail and the plasma supply from the ionosphere. This complex system is affected by various cross-regional, cross-scale, and cross-energy coupling processes. To gain a deeper understanding of this dynamic system, it is essential to conduct comprehensive studies using coordinated observations with multi-point satellite measurements, ground-based networks, and theoretical modeling. Since the 24th solar cycle, such comprehensive studies have been made possible with the help of multiple satellites (Van Allen Probes, MMS, THEMIS, DSX, Arase, CubeSats, etc.), coordinated ground-based observations (THEMIS-GBO, SuperDARN, EISCAT, magnetometers, riometer, etc.), and numerical simulations (global kinetic model, MHD model, micro PIC, hybrid, particle tracing simulations, etc.). This session invites papers presenting recent results on the inner magnetosphere and its coupling/connection with surrounding regions, including the ionosphere and the outer magnetosphere. Papers on new projects (sounding rocket experiments, data assimilation/machine learning, CubeSats, etc.) and future spacecraft missions are also welcome. |
発表方法 | 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション | ||
招待講演 |
Lunjin Chen (University of Texas at Dallas) |
時間 | 講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 |
口頭発表 5月26日 AM1 | |||
09:00 - 09:15 | PEM13-01 | Diffuse aurora flashes and black aurora associated with the dayside plasmapause as caused by a solar wind pressure pulse | 片岡 龍峰 |
09:15 - 09:30 | PEM13-02 | Comprehensive analysis of the shape of pulsating aurora, the energy of electron precipitation and the propagation characteristics of chorus waves | 伊藤 ゆり |
09:30 - 09:45 | PEM13-03 | Raytracing study of whistler-mode waves in the magnetic duct formed by the compressional component of ULF waves | 城 剛希 |
09:45 - 10:00 | PEM13-04 | Electromagnetic disturbance and wave-particle coupling event research based on CSES | Zhenxia Zhang |
10:00 - 10:15 | PEM13-05 | Observations of westward electric fields over low latitudes during long southward IMF Bz | Sandeep Kumar |
口頭発表 5月26日 AM2 | |||
10:45 - 11:00 | PEM13-06 | Monitoring Fast Dynamics of Energetic Electrons from Low Altitudes | Xiaojia Zhang |
11:00 - 11:15 | PEM13-07 | Energetic Particle Precipitation in Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams | Anton Artemyev |
11:15 - 11:30 | PEM13-08 | Variations of energetic electrons via nonlinear interactions with lower-band chorus emissions around the Earth’s outer radiation belt | 謝 怡凱 |
11:30 - 11:55 | PEM13-09 | Electron microburst induced by chorus waves | Lunjin Chen |
口頭発表 5月26日 PM1 | |||
13:45 - 14:00 | PEM13-10 | 内部磁気圏における温かいO+プラズマ: 磁力線に沿って動く低エネルギーO+イオン(FALEO)の行く末 | 能勢 正仁 |
14:00 - 14:15 | PEM13-11 | A New Index for Estimating the Plasmapause Position in the Night Side Magnetosphere | 尾花 由紀 |
14:15 - 14:30 | PEM13-12 | Observation and Numerical Simulation of Cold Ions Energized by EMIC Waves | Kim Khan-Hyuk |
14:30 - 14:45 | PEM13-13 | A study of EMIC wave property change using Arase satellite and ground-based magnetometer data | Jaeyoung Kwak |
14:45 - 15:00 | PEM13-14 | A study of drift kinetic simulation of ULF wave excitation based on observational data of multi-point spacecraft in the ionosphere and magnetosphere | 山本 和弘 |
講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 |
ポスター発表 5月26日 PM3 | ||
PEM13-P01 | EMIC wave activity associated with solar wind dynamic pressure variations : Modeling and Observations | Shreedevi Porunakatu Radhakrishna |
PEM13-P02 | Statistical Survey of Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed by the Arase Satellite | 髙原 璃乃 |
PEM13-P03 | あらせ衛星によって観測された低周波コーラス波の空間分布の解析 | 玉村 優剛 |
PEM13-P04 | Effects of intrinsic magnetic field strength on the magnetic storms based on global inner magnetospheric simulations | 長田 知大 |
PEM13-P05 | Study of the variation of ring current ions in the inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms on 22 July 2009 based on the GEMSIS magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled model | 山川 智嗣 |
PEM13-P06 | Statistical study of Arase on plasma and field variations in the source region of substorm onset in the inner magnetosphere | Liwei Chen |
PEM13-P07 | 高エネルギー粒子降下による南極昭和基地上空での中間圏オゾン濃度変動 | 鈴木 ひかる |
PEM13-P08 | Local time dependence of energetic electron precipitation induced by the VLF signal from the ground-based transmitter | 栗田 怜 |
PEM13-P09 | Pitch-angle distribution analysis of energetic electrons using Arase (HEP) satellite | Pankaj Kumar Soni |
PEM13-P10 | An Empirical Plasmapause Model using Arase/PWE Data and Machine Learning | 浅輪 優斗 |
PEM13-P11 | Observed marginal condition of electron temperature anisotropy instability in the inner magnetosphere | 篠原 育 |
PEM13-P12 | Spatial development of subauroral polarization stream associated with a pseudobreakup: SuperDARN and Arase observations | 堀 智昭 |
PEM13-P13 | Low-Energy Ion Flux Enhancements with the Negative Spacecraft Charging in the Plasmasphere’s Eclipse Region | Junhyun Lee |
PEM13-P14 | オメガバンドオーロラに伴う高エネルギー電子降下とリオメータ観測による銀河電波吸収の関係 | 高野 向陽 |
PEM13-P15 | あらせ衛星と地上カメラの共役観測に基づくオーロラオーバル低緯度側境界の磁気圏プラズマ構造の研究 | 五味 優輝 |
PEM13-P16 | 曲率のある背景磁場内での線形MHD波動についての局所標構を用いた解析に基づく内部磁気圏内でのULF波動の考察 | 礒野 航 |
PEM13-P17 | Numerical Modeling of Electron Dynamics during Dipolarization Substorm Events | Kirolosse M. Girgis |
PEM13-P18 | Variation of molecular ions in the inner magnetosphere observed by the Arase satellite | 三好 由純 |
PEM13-P19 | Long term variations of He++ ions in the inner magnetosphere; Arasa LEPi observations | 西田 結衣 |
PEM13-P20 | Statistical study of nonlinear EMIC wave-particle interaction on relativistic electrons in the magnetosphere observed by the Arase and Van Allen Probes | Jun Chae-Woo |
PEM13-P21 | Calibration for Arase HEP-L cross-channel contamination and comparison of Arase electron pitch angle distributions with Van Allen Probes | Milla Kalliokoski |