宇宙惑星科学(P) | |||
セッション小記号 | 太陽地球系科学・宇宙電磁気学・宇宙環境(EM) | ||
セッションID | P-EM12 | ||
タイトル | 和文 | Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System | |
英文 | Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System | ||
タイトル短縮名 | 和文 | Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling | |
英文 | Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling | ||
代表コンビーナ | 氏名 | 和文 | 細川 敬祐 |
英文 | Keisuke Hosokawa | ||
所属 | 和文 | 電気通信大学大学院情報理工学研究科 | |
英文 | Department of Communication Engineering and Informatics, University of Electro-Communications | ||
共同コンビーナ 1 | 氏名 | 和文 | Liu Huixin |
英文 | Huixin Liu | ||
所属 | 和文 | 九州大学理学研究院地球惑星科学専攻 九州大学宙空環境研究センター | |
英文 | Earth and Planetary Science Division, Kyushu University SERC, Kyushu University | ||
共同コンビーナ 2 | 氏名 | 和文 | 大塚 雄一 |
英文 | Yuichi Otsuka | ||
所属 | 和文 | 名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所 | |
英文 | Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University | ||
共同コンビーナ 3 | 氏名 | 和文 | Chang Loren |
英文 | Loren Chang | ||
所属 | 和文 | Institute of Space Science, National Central University | |
英文 | Department of Space Science and Engineering, National Central University | ||
発表言語 | E | ||
スコープ | 和文 |
The Atmosphere-Ionosphere (A-I) system forms the so-called near-Earth space. Recent rapidly expanding use of satellite constellations in low Earth orbit (LEO) drives a high demand for better understanding and accurate forecast of the global A-I system for scientific and operational purposes. This session aims to provide a forum for research advances and frontiers related to these aspects, and we invite presentations on global A-I coupling at all temporal and spatial scales. This includes but is not limited to: A-I coupling via atmospheric waves (tides, gravity waves, planetary waves) and trace gases (CO2, O3, H2O), A-I response to Space Weather events (solar flares, CMEs, CIRs), polar-equatorial, inter-hemispheric coupling via TADs/TIDs/disturbance dynamo/penetration electric field, ionospheric plasma irregularities, and ionospheric currents. Observations, theoretical studies, model simulations, data assimilation, instruments development are all highly welcome. |
英文 |
The Atmosphere-Ionosphere (A-I) system forms the so-called near-Earth space. Recent rapidly expanding use of satellite constellations in low Earth orbit (LEO) drives a high demand for better understanding and accurate forecast of the global A-I system for scientific and operational purposes. This session aims to provide a forum for research advances and frontiers related to these aspects, and we invite presentations on global A-I coupling at all temporal and spatial scales. This includes but is not limited to: A-I coupling via atmospheric waves (tides, gravity waves, planetary waves) and trace gases (CO2, O3, H2O), A-I response to Space Weather events (solar flares, CMEs, CIRs), polar-equatorial, inter-hemispheric coupling via TADs/TIDs/disturbance dynamo/penetration electric field, ionospheric plasma irregularities, and ionospheric currents. Observations, theoretical studies, model simulations, data assimilation, instruments development are all highly welcome. |
発表方法 | 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション | ||
ジョイントセッション | AGU | ||
招待講演 |
Jaroslav Chum (Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Ercha Aa (Haystack Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Patrick J Espy (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Jia Yue (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Wenbin Wang (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Jeffrey Klenzing (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Viacheslav G Merkin (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory) McArthur Jones Jr. (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) |
時間 | 講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 |
口頭発表 5月30日 AM1 | |||
09:00 - 09:15 | PEM12-01 | A-I coupling: Planetary waves driven variability in equatorial plasma bubbles | Ercha Aa |
09:15 - 09:30 | PEM12-02 | Longitudinal Range of Eastward-Traveling Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Inducing Ionospheric Scintillation | Prayitno Abadi |
09:30 - 09:45 | PEM12-03 | Electron density depletion and electric field variation of plasma bubble observed by the Arase satellite during a geomagnetic storm in April 2023 | 惣宇利 卓弥 |
09:45 - 10:00 | PEM12-04 | Generation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles by Marapi Volcano Eruption | Perwitasari Septi |
10:00 - 10:15 | PEM12-05 | The Effect of Planetary Waves on the Day-to-day Variability of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles | Jeffrey Klenzing |
口頭発表 5月30日 AM2 | |||
10:45 - 11:00 | PEM12-06 | Scientific advances from the Center for Geospace Storms | Viacheslav G Merkin |
11:00 - 11:15 | PEM12-07 | Sampling of the Probe for Radio Occultation oF Ionospheric LayErs (PROFILE) instrument on the GDC mission | Guiping Liu |
11:15 - 11:30 | PEM12-08 | LAMP1ロケット搭載オーロラカメラの成果とLAMP2ロケット観測検討 | 坂野井 健 |
11:30 - 11:45 | PEM12-09 | TIEGCM model validation against disturbance winds driven by geomagnetic events in 2020-2022 | Thomas J Immel |
11:45 - 12:00 | PEM12-10 | Advances, updates, and future developments of the NRLMSIS® Atmospheric Empirical Model | McArthur Jones Jr. |
口頭発表 5月30日 PM1 | |||
13:45 - 14:00 | PEM12-11 | Largest thermospheric wind ever observed with a Fabry-Perot interferometer in Tromsø, Norway since 2009 during the March 2023 storm | 大山 伸一郎 |
14:00 - 14:15 | PEM12-12 | Dependence of High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling on Geomagnetic Activity | Katherine Davidson |
14:15 - 14:30 | PEM12-13 | 超低周波波動によって駆動される高緯度電離圏振動:SuperDARNレーダーとGNSS-TEC法を用いた同時観測結果 | 新堀 淳樹 |
14:30 - 14:45 | PEM12-14 | Traveling ionospheric disturbances driven by gravity waves from sources in the upper and lower atmosphere | Paul Prikryl |
14:45 - 15:00 | PEM12-15 | Characteristics of ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude auroral emission during high geomagnetic activity | 西谷 望 |
口頭発表 5月30日 PM2 | |||
15:30 - 15:45 | PEM12-16 | Observations and Simulaions of Atmospheric Wave Effects Induced by the Antropogenic Orbiters | Lin Charles |
15:45 - 16:00 | PEM12-17 | 2022年トンガ海底火山噴火により生成されたラム波通過時にSwarm衛星で観測された磁場強度と電子密度の波状変動 | 家森 俊彦 |
16:00 - 16:15 | PEM12-18 | Acoustic resonance in the D-region ionosphere due to Pekeris wave after the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption using AVON VLF/LF transmitter signals | 大矢 浩代 |
16:15 - 16:30 | PEM12-19 | X-ray study of the upper atmosphere density disturbance caused by the explosive eruption of the 2022 Tonga's volcano | 勝田 哲 |
16:30 - 16:45 | PEM12-20 | トンガ火山噴火に伴う大気圏-電離圏変動のシミュレーション研究 | 品川 裕之 |
口頭発表 5月31日 AM1 | |||
09:00 - 09:15 | PEM12-21 | Vertical and Latitudinal Coupling of Secondary Ozone Concentrations During Particle Precipitation | Patrick J Espy |
09:15 - 09:30 | PEM12-22 | On the relationship between the mesospheric sodium layer and the meteoric input function | Tai-Yin Huang |
09:30 - 09:45 | PEM12-23 | Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere modeling support provided by the NASA/NSF Coordinated Community Modeling Center | Jia Yue |
09:45 - 10:00 | PEM12-24 | On the Development of Lifting the Lid of the GEOS5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) | Joshua Pettit |
10:00 - 10:15 | PEM12-25 |
The effects of lower atmospheric forcing and geomagnetic activity on the day-to-day variability of the F2 region ionosphere electron densities |
Wenbin Wang |
口頭発表 5月31日 AM2 | |||
10:45 - 11:00 | PEM12-26 | Recent observations of Atmospheric-Ionospheric coupling and Doppler sounding in Europe | Jaroslav Chum |
11:00 - 11:15 | PEM12-27 | Investigation of the Local Time Dependence of Post-Sunset Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over Japan | 傅 維正 |
11:15 - 11:30 | PEM12-28 | RIDEキャンペーン:観測ロケットS-310-46号機、地上電波観測、数値モデルによるスポラディックE層の形成・発達過程の解明 | 齊藤 昭則 |
11:30 - 11:45 | PEM12-29 | Correlation of Sporadic E-layer observed by ionosondes and neutral wind observed by ICON | Liu Huixin |
11:45 - 12:00 | PEM12-30 | Characterizing the Effects of Mid-Latitude MSTIDs on GNSS Positioning Accuracy Across Japan Using a Dense Receiver Network | RAJESH KUMAR BARAD |
講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 |
ポスター発表 5月30日 PM3 | ||
PEM12-P01 | Month-to-month variations in the potassium layer during Antarctic winter | 胡 錦怡 |
PEM12-P02 | Development of a resonance scattering lidar for simultaneous observation of Ca and Ca+ layers | 江尻 省 |
PEM12-P03 |
Investigation on sodium D1 and D2 lines in the mesospheric nightglow based on spectroscopic observations at Tromsø, Norway |
坂元 希優 |
PEM12-P04 | Laser-based Laboratory Studies Relevant to Mesospheric Nightglow Emissions | Konstantinos S. Kalogerakis |
PEM12-P05 | A plan for ground-based observation of noctilucent clouds in Antarctic region. | 遠藤 哲歩 |
PEM12-P06 | A comparison of polar mesospheric cloud observations by Himawari-8/AHI and Himawari-9/AHI | 森山 陽介 |
PEM12-P07 | Study of the Relationship between OH Airglow Intensity and Aurora Particles in the Polar Mesopause Region | 石井 智士 |
PEM12-P08 | Horizontal structures and movements of sporadic E layers observed with ionosonde receiver networks | 古城 侑季 |
PEM12-P09 | アマチュア無線を用いたスポラディックE層の観測 | 高田 隆甫 |
PEM12-P10 | Characteristics of the magnetometer (MAG) for sounding rocket experiment (S-310-46) to observe sporadic E layer | 松岡 彩子 |
PEM12-P11 | Comparison of satellite and ground-based observations of the sporadic E layer over Japan. | 前田 朋毅 |
PEM12-P12 | Numerical investigation on occurrence rates of sporadic E layers in the summertime of East Asia | 安藤 慧 |
PEM12-P13 | A regional three-dimensional model of the sporadic E layers: their formation and evolution process | Lihui Qiu |
PEM12-P14 | スポラディックE層における電流密度の磁場データによる直接観測とモデル計算の比較 | 奥田 隆一 |
PEM12-P15 | GPS及びイオノゾンデ観測に基づく中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱とスポラディックE層の結合過程の統計解析 | 渡辺 一唯 |
PEM12-P16 | DC electric field analysis during the nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbance observed by S-520-32 sounding rocket | 松山 実由規 |
PEM12-P17 | SuperDARNレーダーによる夜間MSTID発生に関する季節依存性・太陽活動度依存性の統計解析研究 | 松岡 祐希 |
PEM12-P18 | 全地球測位衛星システム受信機網を用いた南アフリカ上空の中規模伝搬性電離圏擾乱の統計解析 | 野田 大晟 |
PEM12-P19 | Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Created by Weather Front Gravity Waves | 木暮 優 |
PEM12-P20 | HFドップラー観測とGPS電波掩蔽観測を用いた2022年台風14号(NANMADOL)発達に伴う電離圏擾乱の解析 | 榎本 陸登 |
PEM12-P21 | The Significant ionospheric depletion and related HF communication effects after the 2022 Tonga volcano eruption | X Yan |
PEM12-P22 | D-Region ionospheric variations induced by a fireball of 23 April 2023, in Hokuriku Japan, using OCTAVE VLF/LF transmitter signals | 古谷 凌汰 |
PEM12-P23 | 全電子量マップおよび磁場データを用いた台風がもたらす電離圏擾乱の定量的解析 | 西村 美紀 |
PEM12-P24 | アメリカ域GNSS観測に基づく中緯度プラズマバブルの統計的特性 | 加藤 颯太 |
PEM12-P25 | Equatorial Plasma Density Irregularities Observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite | Chao Chi-Kuang |
PEM12-P26 | 半球間沿磁力線電流(IHFACs)に現れる準6日波の季節依存性と緯度構造 | 高山 久美 |
PEM12-P27 | 正常波と異常波の電離圏伝搬中におけるHF 帯電波伝搬経路・減衰計算 | 阿部 祥大 |
PEM12-P28 | 短波ドップラー観測システムの距離測定機能と観測事例の紹介 | 並木 紀子 |
PEM12-P29 | Classification of Ionograms in the Polar region by the Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica | Junho Back |
PEM12-P30 | 日本3地点での長期観測に基づく中間圏・熱圏夜間大気光の磁気嵐に対する応答の研究 | 堀田 雄斗 |
PEM12-P31 | Influence of the Meridional Currents of the Equatorial Electrojet on the D Magnetic Component: A Ground Magnetic Data Analysis Using Principal Component Analysis | Xzann Garry Vincent Miranda Topacio |
PEM12-P32 | Sq-EEJ電流系の3次元構造の解明: GAIAの電気力学モデルを用いた分極効果の寄与の調査 | 伊集院 拓也 |
PEM12-P33 | Direct Observation of the Space Hurricane Disturbed Polar Thermosphere | Yu-Zhang Ma |
PEM12-P34 | GAIA極域変動版を用いた中規模磁気嵐イベント時の電子密度分布の特徴 | 垰 千尋 |
PEM12-P35 | Reconstruction of ionospheric oxygen ion density distribution from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data | 中野 慎也 |
PEM12-P36 | BP Neural Network Model for Ionospheric TEC Prediction: Incorporating the Impact of Geomagnetic Field | ZIFAN XU |
PEM12-P37 | 衛星温度センサによる高層大気密度計測と磁気擾乱の影響評価 | 川崎 春夫 |