セッション小記号 ジョイント(IS)
セッションID M-IS03
タイトル 和文 Evolution and variability of the Asian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate during the Cenozoic Era
英文 Evolution and variability of the Asian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate during the Cenozoic Era
タイトル短縮名 和文 Asian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate
英文 Asian Monsoon and Indo-Pacific climate
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 佐川 拓也
英文 Takuya Sagawa
所属 和文 金沢大学理工研究域
英文 Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 松崎 賢史
英文 Kenji Matsuzaki
所属 和文 東京大学 大気海洋研究所
英文 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The university of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 Sze Ling Ho
英文 Sze Ling Ho
所属 和文 Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
英文 Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 Stephen J Gallagher
英文 Stephen J Gallagher
所属 和文 University of Melbourne
英文 University of Melbourne
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
The Asian Monsoon (AM) is an inter-hemispheric atmospheric system driven by the thermal contrast between ocean and land. It interacts with the global climate system via several processes. On tectonic time-scales, the uplift of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau (HTP) has been considered an important player in the establishment and intensification of the Asian monsoon, but its importance is still debatable. On the other hand, comparison of regional and global paleoclimate records suggests that AM evolution during the Cenozoic is significantly affected by global climate changes most likely through pCO2. In addition, Indo-Pacific oceanic climate condition is also essential for the land-ocean thermal contrast as well as water vapor circulation because these areas have the largest heat content in the global ocean and supply a large amount of heat and moisture to the atmosphere, which cause warm and cool phases of a recurring climate pattern across the tropical Pacific, the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
In this session, we seek to disentangle and determine the relative importance of the above-mentioned processes on different time-scales. This will improve our understanding of the evolution of AM, ENSO and Indo-Pacific in terms of the mean climate state and variability from millennial to tectonic time-scale, as well as their controlling factors, and their interaction with the global climate system. Presentations based on various archives such as piston cores, DSDP/ODP/IODP cores as well as land sections relying on a wide panel of paleo-environmental proxy are welcome (e.g., geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, micropaleontology as well as modeling studies). Studies on calibration and evaluation of proxy and comparison of multiproxy approach are also welcome. We also welcome presentations from older time periods such as the Mesozoic and Paleozoic that shed light on the evolution of the monsoon system during the Phanerozoic.
The Asian Monsoon (AM) is an inter-hemispheric atmospheric system driven by the thermal contrast between ocean and land. It interacts with the global climate system via several processes. On tectonic time-scales, the uplift of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau (HTP) has been considered an important player in the establishment and intensification of the Asian monsoon, but its importance is still debatable. On the other hand, comparison of regional and global paleoclimate records suggests that AM evolution during the Cenozoic is significantly affected by global climate changes most likely through pCO2. In addition, Indo-Pacific oceanic climate condition is also essential for the land-ocean thermal contrast as well as water vapor circulation because these areas have the largest heat content in the global ocean and supply a large amount of heat and moisture to the atmosphere, which cause warm and cool phases of a recurring climate pattern across the tropical Pacific, the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
In this session, we seek to disentangle and determine the relative importance of the above-mentioned processes on different time-scales. This will improve our understanding of the evolution of AM, ENSO and Indo-Pacific in terms of the mean climate state and variability from millennial to tectonic time-scale, as well as their controlling factors, and their interaction with the global climate system. Presentations based on various archives such as piston cores, DSDP/ODP/IODP cores as well as land sections relying on a wide panel of paleo-environmental proxy are welcome (e.g., geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, micropaleontology as well as modeling studies). Studies on calibration and evaluation of proxy and comparison of multiproxy approach are also welcome. We also welcome presentations from older time periods such as the Mesozoic and Paleozoic that shed light on the evolution of the monsoon system during the Phanerozoic.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 鈴木 健太 (千葉工業大学)
Ru-Yun Tung (Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月29日 AM1
09:00 - 09:15 MIS03-01 Changes in C3, C4, and aquatic plant vegetation in the Indus River basin during the last 10.8 Ma 鈴木 健太
09:15 - 09:30 MIS03-02 Hydroclimate Variability in the Andaman Sea during the Last 1.2 Million Years Erick Naim
09:30 - 09:45 MIS03-03 The influence of lithogenic matter supply on ballasting of particulate organic matter in the NE tropical Indian Ocean during the mid-Brunhes dissolution interval 高田 裕行
09:45 - 10:00 MIS03-04 Changes in primary productivity and terrestrial input of the Miocene Japan Sea recorded in the sediments of south-central Hokkaido, Japan Muhammad Adam Ismail
10:00 - 10:15 MIS03-05 The environmental dynamics of saline lakes in Mongolia based on characteristics of sediment obtained by sediment trapping and coring Shuukhaaz Ganbat
口頭発表 5月29日 AM2
10:45 - 11:00 MIS03-06 Do nearby sediment cores (<10 km) in the northern Okinawa Trough result in the same paleotemperature reconstruction? Ru-Yun Tung
11:00 - 11:15 MIS03-07 A critical assessment of multiproxy-derived zonal and vertical upper ocean thermal gradients in the southern South China Sea over the last glacial cycle Ai-Lin Chen
11:15 - 11:30 MIS03-08 Constraining the recording depth of TEX86 at the edge of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool using multispecies Mg/Ca records spanning the last glacial cycle Akshat Gopalakrishnan
11:30 - 11:45 MIS03-09 Towards quantitative reconstruction of past Kuroshio variability: Initial results of Cruise KS-22-4 オブラクタ スティーブン
11:45 - 12:00 MIS03-10 Eccentricity control on the carbonate-organic matter “rain ratio” in the Pleistocene Indo-Pacific warm pool region 山本 正伸
12:00 - 12:15 MIS03-11 Cenozoic history of the Australian monsoon Stephen J Gallagher
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月29日 PM3
MIS03-P01 Changes in Central Northwest Pacific Oceanography Over the Last 10 Million Years: Insights into the Late Miocene Cooling Event 松崎 賢史
MIS03-P02 Tracing drought-induced wildfire events and vegetation evolution in the equatorial low-lying peatlands, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Aulia Agus Patria
MIS03-P03 Oxygen isotope analysis of individual planktic foraminifers to constrain depth habitat and interannual variability in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea 久保田 好美
MIS03-P04 Low to mid-latitude sea surface temperature change and its latitudinal gradient in the western North Pacific through glacial-interglacial cycles. 内田 貴之
MIS03-P05 Precession control on coarse fraction in the western Pacific warm pool sediment during Plio-Pleistocene periods 佐川 拓也
MIS03-P06 過去70万年間の日本海北部IODP U1422地点堆積物中の有機炭素の起源と埋没速度 入野 智久
MIS03-P07 Paleoclimate changes in the northern East Asia reconstructed by terrestrial plant biomarker analysis of the ocean drilling core from the northern Japan Sea over the last 700 kyr 沢田 健