セッション小記号 計測技術・研究手法(TT)
セッションID H-TT14
タイトル 和文 高精細地形表層情報と人新世におけるコネクティビティ
タイトル短縮名 和文 人新世高精細地形情報連結
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 早川 裕弌
英文 Yuichi S. Hayakawa
所属 和文 北海道大学地球環境科学研究院
英文 Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 Gomez Christopher
英文 Christopher A Gomez
所属 和文 神戸大学 海事科学部 海域火山リスク科学研究室
英文 Kobe University Faculty of Maritime Sciences Volcanic Risk at Sea Research Group
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 笠井 美青
英文 Mio Kasai
所属 和文 北海道大学大学院農学研究院
英文 Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 小倉 拓郎
英文 Takuro Ogura
所属 和文 兵庫教育大学学校教育研究科
英文 Graduate School of Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
Recent technical developments have enabled us to acquire high-definition topographic and geophysical data for geoscientific research, including land surface processes, subsurface structures, submarine/aerial environments, and geo-ecological interactions. Such high-definition or high-resolution data of the Earth's surface, hereby referred to as HiMESD (High-definition Multilayered Earth Surface Data), are particularly useful for studies on landscape developments over relatively short-term (decadal to millennial time scales), which are often assessed with the concept of connectivity in spatial and temporal contexts. HiMESD from ground and airborne platforms has become ubiquitous in everyday life, from car navigation systems to automated vacuum cleaners at home, playing a central role in quantifying and understanding "connectivity" in transportation networks, as well as in the sediment cascade from steep mountain tops to shallow and slow coastal rivers. HiMESD takes center stage, from the "micro-scale" of robot navigation to identifying the connectivity of active and more quiescent fault lines spanning several tens of kilometers.
In this session, we invite submissions on topics that challenge the issues of connectivity in the Anthropocene, the most recent geological era of the Earth affected by human activities. A range of topics would fit the session framework, including theoretical work, data acquisition, pre- and post-processing, extensive data preservation and archiving, statistical analysis, physical modeling, machine learning, and numerical simulation. The methodological approaches may include, but are not limited to, laser scanning (Lidar), photogrammetry (SfM), GNSS precise positioning, SAR interferometry, multi-beam sonar, ground-penetrating radar, geomagnetic/electromagnetic sensors, and multi/hyperspectral sensors, based on terrestrial (fixed or mobile), aerial (UAS/UAV or manned airborne), or satellite platforms.
Recent technical developments have enabled us to acquire high-definition topographic and geophysical data for geoscientific research, including land surface processes, subsurface structures, submarine/aerial environments, and geo-ecological interactions. Such high-definition or high-resolution data of the Earth's surface, hereby referred to as HiMESD (High-definition Multilayered Earth Surface Data), are particularly useful for studies on landscape developments over relatively short-term (decadal to millennial time scales), which are often assessed with the concept of connectivity in spatial and temporal contexts. HiMESD from ground and airborne platforms has become ubiquitous in everyday life, from car navigation systems to automated vacuum cleaners at home, playing a central role in quantifying and understanding "connectivity" in transportation networks, as well as in the sediment cascade from steep mountain tops to shallow and slow coastal rivers. HiMESD takes center stage, from the "micro-scale" of robot navigation to identifying the connectivity of active and more quiescent fault lines spanning several tens of kilometers.
In this session, we invite submissions on topics that challenge the issues of connectivity in the Anthropocene, the most recent geological era of the Earth affected by human activities. A range of topics would fit the session framework, including theoretical work, data acquisition, pre- and post-processing, extensive data preservation and archiving, statistical analysis, physical modeling, machine learning, and numerical simulation. The methodological approaches may include, but are not limited to, laser scanning (Lidar), photogrammetry (SfM), GNSS precise positioning, SAR interferometry, multi-beam sonar, ground-penetrating radar, geomagnetic/electromagnetic sensors, and multi/hyperspectral sensors, based on terrestrial (fixed or mobile), aerial (UAS/UAV or manned airborne), or satellite platforms.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
ジョイントセッション EGU
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月28日 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 HTT14-01 GBSARとXRAINを活用した溶岩ドームの変位と降水の時空間解析 大海 陸人
15:45 - 16:00 HTT14-02 Relationship between watershed characteristics and sandy coast erosion using UAV-SfM-MVS and ALS data in Japan 中田 康隆
16:00 - 16:15 HTT14-03 高精細多層地表情報の潮間帯における地生態学的調査への適用 今川 知美
16:15 - 16:30 HTT14-04 LiDAR技術を用いた琉球列島におけるマングローブ林の地形・分布比較 笠井 克己
16:30 - 16:45 HTT14-05 ナローマルチビーム測深システムを活用した微地形解析による水中遺跡の判読:福島県桧原湖湖底遺跡(桧原宿跡)を例に 谷川 亘
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月28日 PM3
HTT14-P01 Precision Enhancement in Slope Elevation Variation Using UAV Technology in the Absence of GNSS Control Points Yu-Shen Hsiao
HTT14-P02 Research on Fusion of Point Cloud Models from Multiple Unmanned Vehicles YU-SIAN YAN
HTT14-P03 Reconstruction of traditional knowledge of flood damage by integrating high-definition topographic data and local knowledge 小倉 拓郎
HTT14-P04 Relationships between trail topography and visitor activities in urban-suburban mountains: A case study of Mt. Moiwa, Sapporo, Hokkaido 猪又 雅史
HTT14-P05 踏圧によるトレイルサーフェスの変形に及ぼす接地用具の影響 早川 裕弌
HTT14-P06 The 2018 Iburi Co-seismic Landslides, Assessing the slipping planes beyond Topographic Data: High-Resolution UAV-based Topography and Subsurface Geophysics Gomez Christopher
HTT14-P07 Tsunami deposits and Anthropogenic Debris in Coastal Deposits 10 years after the 2011 Tsunami - Combined UAV Photogrammetry, LiDAR and Ground-Penetrating Investigation Gomez Christopher
HTT14-P08 High-Resolution UAV Photogrammetry and Laser-Scanning Combined with Ground Penetrating Radar to assess the complex interaction of the Tottori Sand-dune and the Vegetation Gomez Christopher