セッション小記号 応用地質学・資源エネルギー利用(RE)
セッションID H-RE12
タイトル 和文 応用地質学の新展開
英文 New Developments in Engineering Geology
タイトル短縮名 和文 応用地質学の新展開
英文 New Developments in Engineering Geology
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 竹下 徹
英文 Toru Takeshita
所属 和文 パシフィックコンサルタンツ(株)・国土基盤事業本部 顧問
英文 Adviser, Land Infrastructure Division, Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 竹村 貴人
英文 Takato Takemura
所属 和文 日本大学文理学部地球科学科
英文 Nihon University
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 太田 岳洋
英文 Takehiro Ohta
所属 和文 山口大学大学院創成科学研究科地球科学分野
英文 Division of Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry, The Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University
発表言語 J
スコープ 和文
There has recently been growing demand for engineering geology, because the mitigation to disaster caused by heavy rain fall such as debris flow and landslide, exploration of renewable energy such as geothermal energy, underground carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal, and environment issues such as groundwater usage and soil contamination have become new social issues. Whereas, the insufficient number of engineers who can play a pivotal role in related companies and institutes (e.g. construction consulting companies) addressing these issues has become a problem, which resulted from the insufficient geological training at universities, particularly, the one for field work. Thus, this session has been organized to overcome these issues by not only appealing the social importance of engineering geology to young people explaining the content and role played in the society, but also encouraging them to be a geological engineer. To accomplish these purposes, we will solicit presentations from a variety of disciplines including those of immediate importance as mentioned above and traditional geological survey and analyses to assess the stability of ground for the construction of infrastructures. We further request the presenters to include in their talk what kinds of occupation could be suggested to young people if they follow a career path of engineering geology. 
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月26日 PM3
HRE12-P01 Preliminary research on earthquake induced shear displacement of fractures based on Coulomb's slip model Chih-Cheng Chung
HRE12-P02 地殻内流体の移動におけるマイクロクラックの重要性:放射性廃棄物の地層処分、地熱開発、二酸化炭素の地中貯留事業との関連 竹下 徹
HRE12-P03 岩盤露頭の割れ目抽出に関するUAV活用の試み 石原 隆仙
HRE12-P04 Influences of anisotropy of rock on the development of cracks induced by hydraulic fracturing revealed by Distinct Element Method Hung-Hui Li
HRE12-P05 日本が主導できる地熱発電: 浅部超臨界地熱発電 伊藤 久敏
HRE12-P06 都市部における地質情報の収集と調査検討方法について その2 北田 奈緒子
HRE12-P07 Thermal Conductivity of Quaternary Deposit Soils Influenced by Soil Density and Moisture Content ABDULL HALIM ABDUL
HRE12-P08 Estimation of Arsenic Contaminated Area in Mudstone and Tuff in Boring Cores Using Hyperspectral Imaging. 滝澤 海斗