セッション小記号 地理学(GG)
セッションID H-GG01
タイトル 和文 地誌学再考
英文 Re-considering Regional Geography in South Asia
タイトル短縮名 和文 地誌学
英文 RRG
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 木本 浩一
英文 Koichi Kimoto
所属 和文 関西学院大学 ハンズオン・ラーニングセンター
英文 Kwansei Gakuin University, Center for Hands-on Learning Programs
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 手代木 功基
英文 Koki Teshirogi
所属 和文 金沢大学
英文 Kanazawa University
発表言語 J
スコープ 和文
The history of academic research abroad dates from the imperialist era to the present. The initial exploratory element has faded, and academic and organized surveys have become the mainstream. Many surveys have been conducted with the cooperation of local researchers, but on the part of local researchers, experience has been accumulated that goes beyond mere cooperation. This has led to work beyond merely examining the training of researchers and the nature of collaborative research to reconsidering the nature of geography as a comprehensive science and the methodologies and frameworks for that purpose. In this session, we would like to examine the path to reconsidering regional geography through 1) reports on the history of area studies and fieldwork methodologies, 2) reports on repositioning individual subdivided studies as geographical studies, and 3) reports on involvement in overseas academic surveys by local researchers.
The history of academic research abroad dates from the imperialist era to the present. The initial exploratory element has faded, and academic and organized surveys have become the mainstream. Many surveys have been conducted with the cooperation of local researchers, but on the part of local researchers, experience has been accumulated that goes beyond mere cooperation. This has led to work beyond merely examining the training of researchers and the nature of collaborative research to reconsidering the nature of geography as a comprehensive science and the methodologies and frameworks for that purpose. In this session, we would like to examine the path to reconsidering regional geography through 1) reports on the history of area studies and fieldwork methodologies, 2) reports on repositioning individual subdivided studies as geographical studies, and 3) reports on involvement in overseas academic surveys by local researchers.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月26日 PM3
HGG01-P01 いま、なぜ、地誌学なのか 木本 浩一