セッション小記号 防災地球科学(DS)
セッションID H-DS08
タイトル 和文 地すべりおよび関連現象
英文 Landslides and related phenomena
タイトル短縮名 和文 地すべり
英文 Landslides
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 王 功輝
英文 Gonghui Wang
所属 和文 京都大学防災研究所
英文 Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 千木良 雅弘
英文 Masahiro Chigira
所属 和文 公益財団法人 深田地質研究所
英文 Fukada Geological Institute
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 今泉 文寿
英文 Fumitoshi Imaizumi
所属 和文 静岡大学農学部
英文 Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 齋藤 仁
英文 Hitoshi SAITO
所属 和文 名古屋大学 大学院環境学研究科
英文 Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
Landslides, such as rockslides, rockfalls, and debris flows, have been occurring extensively in a large number of countries, typically Asian countries, causing heavy damage. Landslides have been studied in various research fields, such as geomorphology, geology, geophysics, Sabo engineering, and geotechnics, but we need a common platform to exchange research results and make discussions to strengthen our activity. This session is such a place and we invite contributions that report and discuss landslides and related phenomena, focusing on an improved understanding of their characteristics; new insights into landslide mechanisms; the development of new approaches to monitoring; novel approaches to behavior forecasting and prediction; studies of successful landslide management; and the development of methods for hazard and risk evaluation.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 長 郁夫 (産業技術総合研究所)
Koichi Hayashi (Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute)
Markus Stoffel (University of Geneva)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月31日 AM1
09:00 - 09:15 HDS08-01 Discussion on the performance of consumer-grade LiDAR in landslides monitoring Virgil Lee
09:15 - 09:30 HDS08-02 Monitoring landslide frequency and vegetation recovery using satellite time series data Mohammad Adil Aman
09:30 - 09:45 HDS08-03 4D LiDAR monitoring of debris flows in Ohya landslide, central Japan 金子 竜己
09:45 - 10:00 HDS08-04 Dynamic Analyses of Multi-Block Rockfalls Using Modified 3D Discontinuous Deformation Analysis Focusing on Coefficient of Restitution 李 長澤
10:00 - 10:15 HDS08-05 Gradually co-seismic failure process of gentle slope revealed by amplification effect using shaking table tests Ning Ma
10:15 - 10:30 HDS08-06 Fault constraints on a deep-seated landslide in fragmented metamorphic rocks<br _mstmutation="1" /> Shenghua Cui
口頭発表 5月31日 AM2
10:45 - 11:00 HDS08-07 Near-surface shear-wave velocity monitoring using seismic ambient noise Koichi Hayashi
11:00 - 11:15 HDS08-08 Slope instability in polar permafrost - dynamics of frozen debris lobes in the Alaskan Brooks Range Markus Stoffel
11:15 - 11:30 HDS08-09 Hydrological structure of sedimentary rock slopes and the conditions of landslides in northern Greenland 山崎 新太郎
11:30 - 11:45 HDS08-10 Influence of weak plane orientation on the deformation and collapse of rock slopes using distinct element method Akash Chakraborty
11:45 - 12:00 HDS08-11 Characteristics of grain size distribution along a debris flow torrent Samikshya Dahal
12:00 - 12:15 HDS08-12 A case study on failure and runout process of rock avalanche in Zhijin-Nayong Coalfield of China Kongming Yan
口頭発表 5月31日 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 HDS08-13 2023年トルコ・シリア地震時に発生した斜面災害について 王 功輝
14:00 - 14:15 HDS08-14 Landslides induced by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and their future: lessons from the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake 千木良 雅弘
14:15 - 14:30 HDS08-15 産総研における斜面災害リスク評価のための地質情報整備 宮地 良典
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月31日 PM3
HDS08-P01 斜面災害リスク評価のための浅部微動アレイ探査(その2):阿蘇カルデラから東部の火砕流堆積域における稠密探査 長 郁夫
HDS08-P02 Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Mapping in Northern Kyushu Area Using Slope Hazard History and Geological Information 川畑 大作
HDS08-P03 2023年6月豪雨による九州北部の斜面崩壊地の地質学的検討 阿部 朋弥
HDS08-P04 斜面災害リスク評価のためのGISを活用した流れ盤・受け盤マップの作成 川畑 大作
HDS08-P05 中部九州阿蘇火砕流台地上の未固結火山灰被覆層の層厚分布と特性―未固結火山灰堆積物の斜面崩壊リスク評価のための指標― 下司 信夫
HDS08-P06 斜面災害リスク評価のためのスペクトルデータによる露頭変成鉱物・粘土鉱物の分布把握手法研究への取り組み 山本 聡
HDS08-P07 Slope disaster detection and triggering factor analysis via integrated use of time-series optical and SAR satellite data in Kyushu Island, Japan 水落 裕樹
HDS08-P08 ドローン磁気探査による熱水変質地域の調査-斜面災害リスク評価への適用- 大熊 茂雄
HDS08-P09 Frictional property of clay-rich soils as one of geological factors in landslide 高橋 美紀
HDS08-P10 Developing a list of native herbaceous plants for landslide revegetation in Taiwan Kai-Chi Hsu
HDS08-P11 Geochemical and mineralogical study of low-grade metamorphic rocks and their influence on rock weathering and shallow landslide occurrence in Central Nepal Bishow Raj Silwal
HDS08-P12 Comparing post-fire decay rates of root reinforcement of subtropical coniferous and broadleaf tree species Li Han TANG
HDS08-P13 Exploring Shear Strength Weakening Mechanisms: Insights from Microscopic Structures of Experimental Shear Surface Shengshan WU
HDS08-P14 Numerical analysis on the failure of landslide dam resulting from seepage-induced stiffness degradation Raden Harya Dananjaya
HDS08-P15 A simplified method to estimate the distribution of lateral forces acting on stabilizing piles in soil slopes Ning Bao
HDS08-P16 Geotechnical study on the rain-induced shallow landslides in Mt. Diwata, Monkayo, Davao de Oro, Philippines Kristine Mae Rodriguez Carnicer
HDS08-P17 Insights into granular flow dynamics from basal force fluctuations and seismic signatures: An experimental study Wei Li
HDS08-P18 Determination of Strength Parameters for Weak Planes by Considering Rock Anisotropy Chung Ying Yu
HDS08-P19 Ultra-dense seismic observation in and around a seashore landslide 土井 一生
HDS08-P20 越美山地・魚金山における重力性凹地の年代:湿潤変動帯における山体重力変形の分布と発達過程への示唆 小村 慶太朗
HDS08-P21 Research on a classification model of loess seismic landslides based on random forest in the Haiyuan region Ranke Fang
HDS08-P22 Effect of base roughness on flow behaviour and size segregation in bi-disperse dry granular flows Yuxuan LUO