セッション小記号 古生物学・古生態学(PT)
セッションID B-PT02
タイトル 和文 バイオミネラリゼーションと古環境プロキシー
英文 Biomineralization and Geochemistry of Proxies
タイトル短縮名 和文 生体鉱化作用とプロキシー
英文 Biomineralization and Proxies
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 豊福 高志
英文 Takashi Toyofuku
所属 和文 国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構
英文 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 Petra Heinz
英文 Petra Heinz
所属 和文
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 廣瀬 孝太郎
英文 Kotaro Hirose
所属 和文 兵庫県立大学 自然・環境科学研究所
英文 Institute of Natural and Environmental Sciences, University of Hyogo
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 Lennart Jan de Nooijer
英文 Lennart Jan de Nooijer
所属 和文 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
英文 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
発表言語 E
スコープ 和文
This session aims to promote knowledge exchange focused on biomineralization: i.e. the biological component in the formation of hard tissues such as shells and skeletal structures. Specifically, the session seeks to explore the incorporation of major elements and fractionation of isotopes during formation of biomineralized materials, and explore the paleoceanographic application of these proxies. 

Over geologic time, various organisms use biomineralization to produce a great diversity of minerals, including as calcium carbonate, silicate glass, calcium phosphate and iron oxide. These minerals are precipitated in controlled microenvironments to form specialized structures in the form of shells and (exo)skeletons. Although many aspects of the biomineralization process have remained a mystery, recent advancements in observation technologies have begun to reveal the intricate architectures and sophisticated construction processes at a molecular level.

In paleoenvironmental reconstructions, there is a growing trend towards utilizing multi-proxy approaches by combining biomineral-based proxies, organic fossils, and sedimentary elemental analysis. While such multi-faceted interpretations hold the potential for robust environmental reconstructions, they also require a comprehensive understanding of various biases. These biases include the landscapes or settings in which the biogenic remnants were formed, the taphonomy, and influences from organisms, particularly when their shells or skeletal configurations find no preservation within sediments, possibly due to dissolution processes.

In light of the above, this session invites submissions related to research based on field investigations, culture experiments and other experimental and analytical methods in this field. The focus should be on biomineralization, calibration, and evaluation of marine/aquatic proxies and their applications in paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
発表方法 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
ジョイントセッション EGU
招待講演 坂井 三郎 (国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構)
松本 廣直 (海洋研究開発機構)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者
口頭発表 5月30日 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 BPT02-01 Thermal maturation experiments of lichen materials: Origin and diagenetic alternation of aromatic furans in sedimentary rocks 池田 雅志
14:00 - 14:15 BPT02-02 Organic geochemical analysis of marine mammal bone fossils from the Oligocene sediments of Hokkaido, Japan Raman Umamaheswaran
14:15 - 14:30 BPT02-03 Boron incorporation into amorphous silica: an isotopic model for paleo-pH reconstruction 堀 真子
14:30 - 14:45 BPT02-04 Benthic foraminiferal boron isotope signals through the Santonian Erik Wolfgring
14:45 - 15:00 BPT02-05 Prolonged reducing and ferruginous oceanic condition after OAE1a evidenced from the siderite occurrences in the Mid-Pacific Mountains 松本 廣直
口頭発表 5月30日 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 BPT02-06 浮遊性有孔虫Orbulina universaの殻の長期的・短期的Mg/Ca変動 窪田 薫
15:45 - 16:00 BPT02-07 Nonthermal controls and seasonal biases in paleo-temperature proxies 久保田 好美
16:00 - 16:15 BPT02-08 What is a “Black-box” in Mg/Ca temperature proxy in Foraminifera? 氏家 由利香
16:15 - 16:30 BPT02-09 Growth Rate Variations in the Three Japanese Precious Corals Species Ma Marivic Capitle Pepino
16:30 - 16:45 BPT02-10 Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction using inner bay ostracods–morphological methods– 田中 源吾
16:45 - 17:00 BPT02-11 Sensitive stable isotopic analyses of carbonates using Mid-infrared laser spectroscopic techniques 坂井 三郎
講演番号 タイトル 発表者
ポスター発表 5月30日 PM3
BPT02-P01 Dolomite沈殿における好塩菌の役割:菌活性と細胞外高分子物質の影響評価 小西 博巳
BPT02-P02 次世代の環境経時変動解析に向けて:極微量アルケノンによる古水温推定法の開発 長谷川 卓
BPT02-P03 Effects of pre-treatment on the isotopic composition of structural carbonates in teleost fish teeth 古屋 俊和
BPT02-P04 Statolith chemical compositions of the Indian squid Uroteuthis duvaucelii reveals ontogenetic variation off Visayan Sea, Philippines Jessica Managa Legaspi
BPT02-P05 Indicator properties of diatom assemblages in sediment core for eutrophic estuary 廣瀬 孝太郎
BPT02-P06 Evolutionary change of crystallographic orientation and coccolith morphology: Case studies from Cenozoic coccolithophorids 宇都宮 正志
BPT02-P07 Ultrastructure observation of site of calcification and inter/extra-cellular pH imaging in Sorites orbiculus 長井 裕季子
BPT02-P08 Cryo-FIB-SEMによる底生有孔虫のチャンバー形成過程における細胞内元素組成のその場観察 豊福 高志
BPT02-P09 Heavy metal incorporation into foraminiferal tests Petra Heinz
BPT02-P10 Morphometric analyses of the test identify cryptic species in a planktic foraminifer 井熊 一翠
BPT02-P11 A simple analysis to reconstruct the basic information of foraminifera and ice-rafted debris using image analysis. 鈴木 拓馬