タイトル和文Frontiers of Antarctic Environmental Research
英文Frontiers of Antarctic Environmental Research
タイトル短縮名和文Antarctic Environmental Research
英文Antarctic Environmental Research
代表コンビーナ氏名和文川村 賢二
英文Kenji Kawamura
所属和文情報・システム研究機構 国立極地研究所
英文National Institute of Polar Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Carol Finn
英文Carol Finn
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文関 宰
英文Osamu Seki
英文Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文菅沼 悠介
英文Yusuke Suganuma
英文National institute of Polar Research
スコープ和文Antarctica and the Southern Ocean play important roles in the global climate system, with their crucial influences on, e.g., sea level, ocean circulation and heat/carbon storage. They are also the least known components because the precise understanding of the processes requires observations of various interactions, such as those between ocean, ice shelf and ice sheet, in the harshest conditions on the Earth's surface. Recent advancements in direct and satellite observations and data analyses have suggested significant changes in the Antarctic. However, as the spatial and temporal scales of the changes are diverse (from sub-annual to over millennial), significant challenges remain in their understanding and modeling.

This session will invite several presentations that address the Antarctic environmental changes in the past, present and potential future, and the importance of interdisciplinary and international observations and modeling for better understanding and projection of the Antarctic and their influences on the global environments.
英文Antarctica and the Southern Ocean play important roles in the global climate system, with their crucial influences on, e.g., sea level, ocean circulation and heat/carbon storage. They are also the least known components because the precise understanding of the processes requires observations of various interactions, such as those between ocean, ice shelf and ice sheet, in the harshest conditions on the Earth's surface. Recent advancements in direct and satellite observations and data analyses have suggested significant changes in the Antarctic. However, as the spatial and temporal scales of the changes are diverse (from sub-annual to over millennial), significant challenges remain in their understanding and modeling.

This session will invite several presentations that address the Antarctic environmental changes in the past, present and potential future, and the importance of interdisciplinary and international observations and modeling for better understanding and projection of the Antarctic and their influences on the global environments.