タイトル和文Thermal structure of subduction zones: modeling and the rock record
英文Thermal structure of subduction zones: modeling and the rock record
タイトル短縮名和文Subduction modeling and the rock record
英文Subduction modeling and the rock record
代表コンビーナ氏名和文ウォリス リチャード サイモン
英文Simon Richard Wallis
英文The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文永冶 方敬
英文Takayoshi Nagaya
英文Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文吉岡 祥一
英文Shoichi Yoshioka
英文Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University
スコープ和文The thermal structure of subduction zones is key to understanding the origin of magma,
the cycling of rocks and volatiles and the distribution of earthquakes in these regions. In recent years there have been many recent advances in thermal modeling of subduction zones and most are in broad general agreement. However, different approaches and different assumptions about boundary conditions mean that significant differences remain. The rock record of subduction-type metamorphism has the potential to provide useful additional constraints on the conditions of otherwise inaccessible regions. However, with few exceptions this record has not been closely considered in developing models. Recent studies have highlighted differences between the range of subduction conditions preserved in the rock record and those predicted for modeling of modern subduction zones. However, the reasons for such differences are unclear. Key remaining questions are how to improve the consistency between the modeling and rock record, and the most effective use of the rock record to constrain the boundary conditions for modeling. We invite contributions from subduction zone modelers and researchers of subduction-type metamorphic rocks. The aim of this session is to explore how best to combine these two approaches to estimate conditions along subduction zones and to improve our understanding of these geologically important regions.
英文The thermal structure of subduction zones is key to understanding the origin of magma,
the cycling of rocks and volatiles and the distribution of earthquakes in these regions. In recent years there have been many recent advances in thermal modeling of subduction zones and most are in broad general agreement. However, different approaches and different assumptions about boundary conditions mean that significant differences remain. The rock record of subduction-type metamorphism has the potential to provide useful additional constraints on the conditions of otherwise inaccessible regions. However, with few exceptions this record has not been closely considered in developing models. Recent studies have highlighted differences between the range of subduction conditions preserved in the rock record and those predicted for modeling of modern subduction zones. However, the reasons for such differences are unclear. Key remaining questions are how to improve the consistency between the modeling and rock record, and the most effective use of the rock record to constrain the boundary conditions for modeling. We invite contributions from subduction zone modelers and researchers of subduction-type metamorphic rocks. The aim of this session is to explore how best to combine these two approaches to estimate conditions along subduction zones and to improve our understanding of these geologically important regions.