タイトル和文Coupling between the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere above thunderstorms
英文Coupling between the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere above thunderstorms
タイトル短縮名和文Upper atmospheric effects of lightning
英文Upper atmospheric effects of lightning
代表コンビーナ氏名和文Victor P Pasko
英文Victor P Pasko
所属和文Pennsylvania State University Main Campus
英文Pennsylvania State University Main Campus
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文高橋 幸弘
英文Yukihiro Takahashi
英文Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文佐藤 光輝
英文Mitsuteru Sato
所属和文北海道大学 大学院理学研究院
英文Department of Cosmoscience, Hokkaido University
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文榎戸 輝揚
英文Teruaki Enoto
英文Kyoto University
スコープ和文This session will cover all aspects of coupling between lightning, sprites, jets, elves and the atmosphere/ionosphere/magnetosphere system. This includes observations of transient luminous events, associated radio and electromagnetic effects (ULF-VHF), energetic radiation (X ray and gamma ray) effects, and theoretical results on these topics. This includes also studies about the impact of these phenomena at a local or global scale.
英文This session will cover all aspects of coupling between lightning, sprites, jets, elves and the atmosphere/ionosphere/magnetosphere system. This includes observations of transient luminous events, associated radio and electromagnetic effects (ULF-VHF), energetic radiation (X ray and gamma ray) effects, and theoretical results on these topics. This includes also studies about the impact of these phenomena at a local or global scale.