タイトル和文Fell into a burning ring of fire: Geodynamics, Paleogeography and life in Panthalassa-Pacific ocean
英文Fell into a burning ring of fire: Geodynamics, Paleogeography and life in Panthalassa-Pacific ocean
タイトル短縮名和文Panthalassa-Pacific History
英文Panthalassa-Pacific History
代表コンビーナ氏名和文Daniel Pastor-Galán
英文Daniel Pastor-Galán
所属和文Center for North East Asian Studies, Tohoku University
英文Center for North East Asian Studies, Tohoku University
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Pengfei Li
英文Pengfei Li
所属和文Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
英文Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文辻森 樹
英文Tatsuki Tsujimori
英文Tohoku University
スコープ和文More than 800 Ma ago the opening of the Panthalassa ocean, likely assisted by plume magmatism broke Rodinia. After a protracted growing period, Panthalassa-Pacific became a stable superocean composed by a mosaic of oceanic plates that have continuously grown, and later consumed in subduction zones for at least 600 million years. During its history, many continental and oceanic arcs, oceanic plateaus, ridges and plume magmatism formed, collided and subducted resulting in a complex and still enigmatic history, which is tightly linked with evolution of the global climate and life. The pages of such geological history are written in the geological record of the ring of fire, Central Asia Orogenic Belt and Eastern Australia, in the mantle from Triassic times and in the ocean floor since the Jurassic.

This session pretends is an Earth Science multidisciplinary forum. We welcome new observational constraints, syntheses or modeling on geology, geophysics and geochemistry and related fields with the ultimate goal of understanding the geodynamic, tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of Panthalassa-Pacific and its consequences in climate and life.
英文More than 800 Ma ago the opening of the Panthalassa ocean, likely assisted by plume magmatism broke Rodinia. After a protracted growing period, Panthalassa-Pacific became a stable superocean composed by a mosaic of oceanic plates that have continuously grown, and later consumed in subduction zones for at least 600 million years. During its history, many continental and oceanic arcs, oceanic plateaus, ridges and plume magmatism formed, collided and subducted resulting in a complex and still enigmatic history, which is tightly linked with evolution of the global climate and life. The pages of such geological history are written in the geological record of the ring of fire, Central Asia Orogenic Belt and Eastern Australia, in the mantle from Triassic times and in the ocean floor since the Jurassic.

This session pretends is an Earth Science multidisciplinary forum. We welcome new observational constraints, syntheses or modeling on geology, geophysics and geochemistry and related fields with the ultimate goal of understanding the geodynamic, tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of Panthalassa-Pacific and its consequences in climate and life.