タイトル和文Supercritical-flow and their deposits: a new tool to better constrain sedimentary fan morphodynamics
英文Supercritical-flow and their deposits: a new tool to better constrain sedimentary fan morphodynamics
タイトル短縮名和文Supercritical-flow and their deposits
英文Supercritical-flow and their deposits
代表コンビーナ氏名和文Pauline H Cornard
英文Pauline H Cornard
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文大畑 耕治
英文Koji Ohata
英文Kyoto University
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文泉 典洋
英文Norihiro Izumi
英文Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
スコープ和文In the last decade, flow processes, particularly supercritical flows and their deposits
have become an important topic in order to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of sedimentary fans including alluvial and fluvial systems but also
glacigenic subaqueous and submarine fans.
Researchers using numerical modelling, flume-tank experiments, and outcrop
observations, described and analysed a wide range of bedforms that develop under
supercritical conditions such as cyclic steps, unstable and stable antidunes and
upper-plane beds. Nevertheless, some questions remain regarding the formation and
evolution of these bedforms in different settings from rivers to submarine fans.
This session aims to bring together experimentalists, numerical modellers and field
researchers with an expertise in sedimentology, fluid mechanics both in open-channel
and density flows, and related disciplines to further explore supercritical-flow and
their deposits as well as the impact of flow criticality on the architecture of river, delta,
subaqueous glacigenic fans and submarine fans. The session welcomes studies across
different scales, from the grain-scale and the impact of grain-size of the formation of
supercritical bedforms and associated sedimentary structures to large-scale flow
processes controlling the architecture of rivers, deltas, subaqueous glacigenic and
submarine fans.
英文In the last decade, flow processes, particularly supercritical flows and their deposits
have become an important topic in order to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of sedimentary fans including alluvial and fluvial systems but also
glacigenic subaqueous and submarine fans.
Researchers using numerical modelling, flume-tank experiments, and outcrop
observations, described and analysed a wide range of bedforms that develop under
supercritical conditions such as cyclic steps, unstable and stable antidunes and
upper-plane beds. Nevertheless, some questions remain regarding the formation and
evolution of these bedforms in different settings from rivers to submarine fans.
This session aims to bring together experimentalists, numerical modellers and field
researchers with an expertise in sedimentology, fluid mechanics both in open-channel
and density flows, and related disciplines to further explore supercritical-flow and
their deposits as well as the impact of flow criticality on the architecture of river, delta,
subaqueous glacigenic fans and submarine fans. The session welcomes studies across
different scales, from the grain-scale and the impact of grain-size of the formation of
supercritical bedforms and associated sedimentary structures to large-scale flow
processes controlling the architecture of rivers, deltas, subaqueous glacigenic and
submarine fans.