Union (U)
Session Sub-category Union
Session ID U-11
Title Biogeochemistry of CO world
Short Title Biogeochemistry of CO world
Main Convener Name Yuichiro Ueno
Affiliation Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Co-Convener 1 Name Norio Kitadai
Affiliation Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Co-Convener 2 Name Shino Suzuki
Affiliation Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Co-Convener 3 Name Kazumi Ozaki
Affiliation Tokyo Institute of Technology
Session Language
In this session, we will discuss the impact of carbon chemical species (CO2/CO/CH4) on the planetary evolution, prebiotic chemistry, and biological metabolism with the ultimate goal of elucidating the planetary setting suitable for the emergence of life. Following astronomical observations and planetary explorations identifying a growing number of extraterrestrial bodies that are potentially capable of sustaining life, search for lives in Universe has already begun. However, the fundamental question - what planetary conditions are crucial for the emergence of life - remains unsolved. In particular, although carbon monoxide (CO) must have been an abundant atmospheric component on the early Earth and Mars, its role in prebiotic and early metabolic processes are not well understood. Here, we seek for diverse research subjects on these topics. We also welcome discussions on future exploration of extraterrestrial lives based on the CO world concept. 
Presentation Format Oral and Poster presentation
Invited Authors Shungo Koyama (Tohoku University)
Yasuto Watanabe (Meteorological Research Institute/University of Tokyo)
Kenso Soai (Tokyo University of Science)
Time Presentation No Title Presenter
Oral Presentation May 26 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 U11-01 Conditions for CO runaway in atmospheres of the Earth and Earth-like exoplanets and implications for habitability Yasuto Watanabe
14:00 - 14:15 U11-02 How to find CO worlds? Kazumi Ozaki
14:15 - 14:30 U11-03 Revisiting the greenhouse effects of non-greenhouse gases: Impact of water vapor feedback Tetsuo Taki
14:30 - 14:45 U11-04 Atmospheric production of formaldehyde and its carbon isotope evolution on early Mars Shungo Koyama
14:45 - 15:00 U11-05 Impacts of recurrent solar energetic particle precipitation on the concentrations of CO and H2 in the early Martian atmosphere Yuki Nakamura
Oral Presentation May 26 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 U11-06 Atmospheric UV synthesis of organics from CO2 and CO Yuichiro Ueno
15:45 - 16:15 U11-07 Asymmetric autocatalysis (the Soai reaction) and the origin of homochirality Kenso Soai
16:15 - 16:30 U11-08 Kinetic Requirements to Sustain Chemical Reaction Networks in an Open System Hideshi Ooka
16:30 - 16:45 U11-09 Heterolytic N-N bond formation catalyzed by copper sulfide toward nonenzymatic uracil skeleton synthesis at the origin of life Nishiki Tomizawa
Presentation No Title Presenter
Poster Presentation May 26 PM3
U11-P01 Impact of volcanic outgassing speciation on CO concentrations in planetary atmospheres Yoshiaki Endo
U11-P02 Development of a numerical model for atmospheric hydrodynamic escape in early Earth driven by celestial impacts Tatsuki Nawa
U11-P03 Impacts of Various Atmospheric Carbon Species on Climates of Terrestrial Planets Jared Brack Landry
U11-P04 Calculation of equilibrium isotope fractionation ratio considering pressure/temperature-dependent water properties Okada Satoshi
U11-P05 The role of sulfur in photochemical organic synthesis in a CO atmosphere KOTA MORI
U11-P06 Synthesis of metabolic-hub compounds starting from CO2 as a reaction substrate Yamaguchi Akira
U11-P07 Abiotic synthesis of peptides driven by the solar energetic particles in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres Yuki Sakurai
U11-P08 Formation of Macromolecular Amino Acid Precursors from CO in Planetary Atmospheres and Interstellar Media Kensei Kobayashi
U11-P09 Bio-Inspired Catabolic Origin of Cyanide for Prebiotic Synthesis at Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Zening YANG
U11-P10 Reproduction of catalysis by sulfide minerals in the flow-reactor simulating ancient deep-sea alkaline hydrothermal system Akira Tanemura
U11-P11 Impact of mineral-catalyzed reactions on the synthesis and stability of amino acids in serpentinization-hosted environment LI Yamei
U11-P12 Laboratory simulation of electricity generation in deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments Norio Kitadai
U11-P13 Electrochemical survey in deep-sea hydrothermal fields viewing the quest for primordial or extraterrestrial electro-ecosystems Masahiro Yamamoto
U11-P14 Intramolecular 13C distribution of microbial acetate from CO and CO2 Sato Yuta