Solid Earth Sciences (S)
Session Sub-categorySeismology (SS)
Session IDS-SS06
Session Title Earthquake prediction and forecast
Short Title Earthquake prediction and forecast
Date & Time Oral
AM2 Wed, 29 MAY
PM3 Wed, 29 MAY
Main Convener Name Kei Katsumata
Affiliation Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Hokkaido University
Co-Convener 1 Name Masao Nakatani
Affiliation Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo
Session Language J
Scope (Session Description) This session provides the opportunity for presenting researches on prediction or forecasting of earthquake occurrences in wide sense, including times, places, sizes, or source mechanisms. Also, this session welcomes scientific discussions on possible causal relations to some other observation data, forecasting simulations based on theoretical models, developments and applications on statistical evaluation method for the verification of retrospective experiments, etc.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -
The Seismological Society of Japan