Space and Planetary Sciences (P)
Session Sub-category Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment(EM)
Session ID P-EM11
Title Space Weather and Space Climate
Short Title Space Weather and Space Climate
Main Convener Name Ryuho Kataoka
Affiliation National Institute of Polar Research
Co-Convener 1 Name Mary Aronne
Affiliation NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/GMU
Co-Convener 2 Name Yumi Bamba
Affiliation National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Co-Convener 3 Name Antti Pulkkinen
Affiliation NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Session Language
We share the latest scientific papers to understand how the space environment changes in various time scales and to discuss how we will react via international and interdisciplinary collaborations. More specifically, welcomed papers include space climate studies to reconstruct the long-term variations; cutting-edge observational and modeling studies of space weather from the Sun to surface of the Earth; applied science such as operational space weather forecast using machine-learning techniques and hazard assessments for deep space human spaceflight activities at Moon and at Mars.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster presentation
Joint Session with AGU
Invited Authors Yuki Harada (Kyoto University)
Minami Yoshida (The University of Tokyo)
Shun Imajo (Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
James F Spann (NOAA NESDIS Office of Space Weather Observation)
Reinhard H W Friedel (NASA Headquarters)
Joe H Westlake
Elsayed R Talaat (NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service)
Joshua Pettit (George Mason University/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Time Presentation No Title Presenter
Oral Presentation May 27 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 PEM11-01 Magnetic storm-time red aurora as seen from Hokkaido, Japan on December 1, 2023 associated with high-density solar wind Ryuho Kataoka
15:45 - 16:00 PEM11-02 Precipitation of auroral electrons accelerated at very high altitudes Shun Imajo
16:00 - 16:15 PEM11-03 A novel Machine learning technique to Parameterize EneRgetic Electron maps (AMPERE) Joshua Pettit
Oral Presentation May 28 AM1
09:00 - 09:15 PEM11-04 NASA GSFC Space Weather Priorities and Activities Antti Pulkkinen
09:15 - 09:30 PEM11-05 NASA’ s Heliophysics Division and Space Weather Program Update Joe H Westlake
09:30 - 09:45 PEM11-06 NOAA's Space Weather Observations Providing Operational Space Weather Capability Elsayed R Talaat
09:45 - 10:00 PEM11-07 Space Weather at NOAA James F Spann
10:00 - 10:15 PEM11-08 OD-SSA Activity at NASA's Heliophysics Division Reinhard H W Friedel
10:15 - 10:30 PEM11-09 The Moon to Mars Space Weather Analysis Office: Space Weather Analysis Support at NASA Mary Aronne
Oral Presentation May 28 AM2
10:45 - 11:00 PEM11-10 A Discussion of the Threshold for Issuing Space Weather Advisories at ICAO Mamoru Ishii
11:00 - 11:15 PEM11-11 Relationship between the open flux producing interplanetary magnetic field and the magnetic field in solar surface Minami Yoshida
11:15 - 11:30 PEM11-12 What makes the solar coronal hole dark? Insights from numerical simulations on the open flux problem Haruhisa Iijima
11:30 - 11:45 PEM11-13 A Study on Magnetic Parameters to Determine the Formation of CME Moriyama Tomoki
11:45 - 12:00 PEM11-14 Development of a large-flare warning system based on the κ-scheme : correlation between flare index and high free energy region Yumi Bamba
12:00 - 12:15 PEM11-15 Validation of electron density in the ionospheric D- and lower E-region during solar flares using PHITS and GAIA models Shinnosuke Kitajima
Oral Presentation May 28 PM1
13:45 - 14:00 PEM11-16 Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) in Power Transmission Systems: A Case Study in Japan Shun Idei
14:00 - 14:15 PEM11-17 Causality Relationships Analysis in Magnetospheric Space Weather: The Case of the Dst Index and Its Potential Drivers Dr Hua-Liang Wei
14:15 - 14:30 PEM11-18 Space Weather at Mars as Probed by Topside Radar Sounding Yuki Harada
14:30 - 14:45 PEM11-19 Mars Aurora Camera onboard the M-MATISSE mission: Mars Magnetosphere ATmosphere Ionosphere and Space-weather SciencE Hiromu Nakagawa
14:45 - 15:00 PEM11-20 The research progress on the polar cap Sporadic-E layers Yong Wang
15:00 - 15:15 PEM11-21 Observation of the Doppler frequency shift of the HF wave transmitted by an ionosonde Takashi Iwamoto
Presentation No Title Presenter
Poster Presentation May 27 PM3
PEM11-P01 Successes, Misses, and False Alarms in Predicting Global/Seasonal Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrence Rates Using the ROCSAT Data Shin-Yi Su
PEM11-P02 Multipoint spacecraft measurements of the ICME structure in October 2021 Yumi Bamba
PEM11-P03 Comparison of simple U-Net model and U-Net models with Attention mechanism in detecting solar coronal hole regions from magnetic field images. Kirito Murayama
PEM11-P04 Seasonal and universal time variations of Pi2 activity analyzed with a machine learning approach Shin ya Nakano
PEM11-P05 Solar flare prediction modeling using feature compression with convolutional autoencoder Tomoki Kubo
PEM11-P06 Characteristics of Solar Hydrogen Lyman Lines and Their Influences
on the Earth's Ionosphere
Ryosuke Okubo
PEM11-P07 Unified understanding of the dependence of the magnetosphere system on the solar wind Mach number using skeletal magnetic field concept Shigeru Fujita
PEM11-P08 Improvement of solar wind prediction model using segmentation images of coronal holes So Fujiya
PEM11-P09 Development of a forecast model of the outer radiation belt electrons using the XAI Yuta Nishimiya
PEM11-P10 Statistical analysis of plasma energy flux distribution for spacecraft surface charging in the inner magnetosphere Masao Nakamura
PEM11-P11 Predicting Solar Energetic Particle Event Occurrences Using Explainable AI Yuta Kato
PEM11-P12 A compression method of solar polarization spectra from Hinode SOT/SP for solar flare prediction Jargalmaa Batmunkh
PEM11-P13 The study of ionospheric storm in China on October 24-25, 2011 Qingtao Wan
PEM11-P14 Automatic Detection of Sigmoidal Structures in Solar X-ray Images Using Machine Learning Models Hibiki Iwanaga
PEM11-P15 Influence of the cosmic-ray variations on the tropical deep convective clouds Hiroko Miyahara
PEM11-P16 Annual 10Be record in travertine covering 1510-1701: a new proxy for reconstructing annual solar activity Hiroko Miyahara
PEM11-P17 Estimation of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) using the global MHD simulation of the magnetosphere 6 Shinichi Watari
PEM11-P18 Concentration of cosmogenic nuclide Be-7 in the surface atmosphere at the beginning of the 25th solar cycle Hirohisa Sakurai
PEM11-P19 Current status of a real-time prediction system of CME arrival and its magnetic field with ensemble SUSANOO-CME simulation Daikou Shiota
PEM11-P20 Long-Term Trend of bias current obtained from Himawari-8/SEDA-e observation Tsutomu Nagatsuma
PEM11-P21 Forecast of CIR-driven geomagnetic storms using the deep neural networks Naoko Takahashi
PEM11-P22 New Space Weather Forecasting and Warning Types and Criteria Considering Social Impacts Takuya Tsugawa
PEM11-P23 Toward the surrogate model for REPPU auroral ionosphere ver3 (SMRAI3) Ryuho Kataoka