Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary (M)
Session Sub-category Intersection(IS)
Session ID M-IS02
Title Geomaterials in cultural heritage: weathering, investigation techniques, and conservation
Short Title Geomaterials in cultural heritage
Main Convener Name Akos Torok
Affiliation Department of Engineering Geology and Geotecnics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Co-Convener 1 Name Chiaki T. Oguchi
Affiliation Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
Co-Convener 2 Name Celine Elise Schneider
Affiliation University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Co-Convener 3 Name Miguel Gomez-Heras
Affiliation Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Session Language
The safeguard and valorization of cultural heritage is bound to a  deep knowledge of the component materials that, for many artifacts and sites of archaeological and historical interest, include diverse geomaterials, i.e., natural stone, ceramics, mortar, pigments, etc. The related research approaches involve applied geosciences, for example, mineralogy, geomorphology, geochemistry, engineering geology, but also geoarchaeology, conservation science, materials science, and others. This session focuses on the following aspects of geomaterial research for cultural heritage: investigation techniques, particularly involving non-destructive and non-invasive methods, applied in indoor and outdoor field studies or in the laboratory; development of novel devices, protocols, and techniques of data treatment; characterization of weathering patterns, mechanisms, and kinetics; modelling and simulation of decay processes; conservation treatments, monitoring, and documentation. The session welcomes contributions presenting original research, case studies, and experimental methods.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster presentation
Joint Session with EGU
Presentation No Title Presenter
Poster Presentation May 28 PM3
MIS02-P01 Investigation of simple and rapid analysis of weathering product minerals by in-situ nondestructive survey Chiaki T. Oguchi
MIS02-P02 SfM and LiDAR scanners in stone monument text deciphering of SfM and LiDAR scanners in the decipherment of stone inscriptions. Chiaki T. Oguchi
MIS02-P03 Characterization and Petrophysical Analysis of the "Pierre de Langres" Limestone for Heritage Conservation Patricia VAZQUEZ
MIS02-P04 Predicting Long-Term Weathering Effects on Historical Buildings Using IoT and Machine Learning Patricia VAZQUEZ
MIS02-P05 Water Repellent and Influence of Environmental Conditions on Concrete Sulphate Weathering. Yuzuki Kudo
MIS02-P06 Engineering geology of limestone tombs in Theban Necropolis (Egypt) Akos Torok