Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (A)
Session Sub-categoryHydrology & Water Environment (HW)
Session IDA-HW21
Session Title Hydrological modelling to support water resources management and engineering designs
Short Title Hydrological modelling
Date & Time Oral
PM1-PM2 Thu, 30 MAY
PM3 Thu, 30 MAY
Main Convener Name Tomochika Tokunaga
Affiliation Department of Environment Systems, University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 1 Name Jiaqi Liu
Affiliation The University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 2 Name Philip Brunner
Affiliation CHYN, University of Neuchatel
Co-Convener 3 Name Rene Therrien
Affiliation Laval University
Session Language E
Scope (Session Description) Hydrological models jointly simulate complex interactions between aquifers, surface water bodies, and both natural and anthropogenic influences. These models combine geological, hydrological, and engineering insights and thus constitute an important tool for water resources management and engineering designs and can provide crucial support in making informed decisions. Recent technical and computational advances are emerging in this field: (1) The explicit simulation of engineering infrastructure, including buildings, roads, dams, drains, and drywells, extends the applicability to urban engineering; (2) Data assimilation, using real-time data streams from sensors, enables modeling the optimal operation of such engineering infrastructures; and (3) The general increase in computational power, including the use of supercomputers, facilitates the application of models to calculate complex hydrological process such as floods in highly urbanized environments. In this session, we invite presentations that center on the application of hydrogeological modelling frameworks in these emerging fields. Topics of interest encompass methodological advancements in hydrogeological models and real-world case studies where such models have been applied in the contexts mentioned earlier. Furthermore, we encourage submissions that showcase how the application of hydrogeological models has translated into policy changes, risk management strategies, urban design improvements, or the development of new management schemes.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -
Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology