[ OCT/03/2022 ]
The Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 (JpGU Meeting 2024) -Meeting Format-
Koji Wada, Chair of the Meeting Organization Committee
The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2024 will follow the format of the Meeting 2023 and continue the hybrid format, mixing on-site (at Makuhari Messe in Chiba City) and online.
The Meeting 2024 will be held for six days from May 26 (Sun.) to May 31 (Fri.), 2024.
The Meeting 2024 will not have online poster sessions using Zoom breakout rooms, as was the case in the Meeting 2023. This decision was made in consideration of the burden on presenters, participants, and the organizers. However, the online display of posters will still be required, and poster flash talks will also be presented during the oral sessions.
Oral presentations at the 2023 Meeting are to be given live either in person at the venue or online via Zoom. Presenters are free to choose whether to present on-site or online. We are planning to allow the chairpersons and conveners to be able to run the sessions without necessarily present on site.
All poster presentation materials must be posted online (in each presenter's web space on the "Confit" website) and can be optionally presented during the on-site poster core time (no online webcast). The materials to be posted online can be the same as those displayed on site. As mentioned above, all poster presenters are kindly required to give a flash talk of
their poster presentations in the designated slot of each oral session. For each poster-only session, a dedicated time slot for flash talks will be prepared.
While the situation surrounding COVID-19 is showing signs of stabilizing, we will continue to do our utmost to prevent the spread of infection at the Meeting 2024 as well.
At this point, we can only give you a general view of how the meeting will be held, but we will provide more details via the meeting website and e-mail news as soon as they are finalized. We will continue to make every effort to ensure a safe, stable, and fulfilling meeting, and we would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.