Session Sub-categoryUnion
Session IDU-08
TitleSpecial session for a borderless World of Geoscience (GEOethics)
Short TitleChallenges for the future (GEOethics)
Main Convener NameHodaka Kawahata
AffiliationAtmosphere Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 1NameBrooks Hanson
AffiliationAmerican Geophysical Union
Co-Convener 2NameTakashi Furumura
AffiliationEarthquake Research Institute The University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 3NameEiichi Tajika
AffiliationDepartment of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Session LanguageE
ScopeJpGU-AGU will have a joint meeting 2020 "For a borderless World of Geoscience". This symposium will present the viewpoint of leaders from the major geoscience societies (JpGU, AGU, EGU and AOGS), which are partner unions, who are also leading scientists representing exciting geoscience fields. The Earth and space science is essential the well-being of the humankind and sustainable environments. Some of the discussion topics will include: How shall we establish more reliance between Earth and planetary science and society ? A joint action plan/communique' is a desired outcome of this symposium.
Presentation FormatOral and Poster presentation
Joint Session withEGU,AOGS