Solid Earth Sciences(S) | ||
Session Sub-category | Earth's Electromagnetism(EM) | |
Session ID | S-EM18 | |
Title | Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism applied to solving geological and geophysical problems | |
Short Title | Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism | |
Main Convener | Name | Martin Chadima |
Affiliation | Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Balazs Bradak |
Affiliation | University of Burgos, Spain | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Daniel Pastor-Galán |
Affiliation | Center for North East Asian Studies, Tohoku University | |
Co-Convener 3 | Name | Myriam Annie Claire Kars |
Affiliation | Center for Advanced Marine Core Research | |
Session Language | E | |
Scope | Paleomagnetic studies have provided much key information about the geomagnetic field and plate motions, and rock magnetic methods have considerable potential for detecting and monitoring signals from past and recent environments. Integrated paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric studies, together with structural geology and petrology, are effective tools for increasing our knowledge about sedimentological, tectonic or volcanic processes on various scales. Determining how the geomagnetic field changes (i.e., reversals and paleointensity variations) helps to understand the evolution of Earth's interior, plate kinematics, dynamics of the core and mantle, long-term climate change, and true polar wander. We welcome presentations of innovative studies that make use of paleo-, rock, and environmental magnetic data in relation to geological, geomagnetic, and environmental processes, especially contributions that combine rock magnetic methods or novel approaches to data evaluation. We also solicit contributions from both experimental and theoretical aspects of paleomagnetic reconstructions, acquisition of petrofabrics, characteristic remanences, remagnetizations, polarity reversal records, paleointensity, and environmental magnetic methods. | |
Presentation Format | Oral and Poster presentation |