Solid Earth Sciences(S) | ||
Session Sub-category | Science of the Earth's Interior & Tectonophysics | |
Session ID | S-IT24 | |
Title | Probing the Earth's interior with geophysical observation on seafloor | |
Short Title | Probe Earth's interior from seafloor | |
Main Convener | Name | Daisuke Suetsugu |
Affiliation | Department of Deep Earth Structure and Dynamics Research, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Guilhem BARRUOL |
Affiliation | CNRS, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Hitoshi Kawakatsu |
Affiliation | Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo | |
Co-Convener 3 | Name | Douglas Wiens |
Affiliation | Washington University in St Louis | |
Session Language | EE | |
Scope | Most important sites for plate tectonics and mantle dynamics studies (e.g., subduction zones, spreading ridges, and hot spots) are located in oceanic regions. The coverage of seismic stations is concentrated in land areas, which cover only one-third of Earth's surface. Since 1990s, technology for seafloor geophysical instruments to explore deep earth structure have been advanced, such as broadband ocean bottom seismographs (BBOBSs), ocean bottom electro-magnetometers (OBEMs), and pressure gauge, because observation network in oceanic regions is essential for major breakthroughs in Earth sciences. Technical advance in the instruments including cabled realtime seafloor networks have made the seafloor observation more common and reliable, which promotes a number of seafloor observations, both temporary and permanent networks, in the last decade. We call for papers on recent scientific results from such observation projects, including those on crust and mantle structure beneath subduction zones, hot spots, Large Igneous Provinces, and spreading ridges. Technical advances for observation in oceanic regions, including seafloor instruments and drifting float, proposals and plans for innovative observations are also welcome. | |
Presentation Format | Oral and Poster presentation | |
Joint Session with | AGU, EGU | |
Invited Authors |
Time | Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 22 AM1 | ||||
09:00 - 09:15 | SIT24-01 | Seismic attenuation in the mantle beneath the Ontong Java Plateau from multiple ScS waves | Daisuke Suetsugu | Abstract |
09:15 - 09:30 | SIT24-02 | Retrieval of converted phases from shallow structure of the Ontong Java Plateau | Takashi Tonegawa | Abstract |
09:30 - 09:45 | SIT24-03 | Shear wave upper mantle structure beneath the Ontong Java Plateau | Takehi Isse | Abstract |
09:45 - 10:00 | SIT24-04 | Multifrequency P-wave tomography of Ontong Java Plateau | Masayuki Obayashi | Abstract |
10:00 - 10:15 | SIT24-05 | Noise removal from vertical component seismograms recorded by broadband ocean bottom seismometers | Yuki Kawano | Abstract |
10:15 - 10:30 | SIT24-06 | The break-up of eastern Gondwana as viewed from northern Zealandia | Brian Boston | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 22 AM2 | ||||
10:45 - 11:05 | SIT24-07 | Probing mantle structures beneath La Réunion hotspot from land and ocean bottom observations: results from the RHUM-RUM experiment | Guilhem BARRUOL | Abstract |
11:05 - 11:20 | SIT24-08 | Plume-ridge connection: seismic evidence for an asthenospheric flow between La Réunion and the Central Indian Ridge | Guilhem BARRUOL | Abstract |
11:20 - 11:35 | SIT24-09 | Marine magnetotelluric data supports melt at the LAB as the origin of the petit-spot in the northwestern Pacific | Kiyoshi Baba | Abstract |
11:35 - 11:55 | SIT24-10 | Electromagnetic Imaging of Fluids in Subduction Zones and the Effect of Anomalous Seafloor on Electrical Anomalies | Rob L Evans | Abstract |
11:55 - 12:15 | SIT24-11 | Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone with the VOILA Project | Catherine Rychert | Abstract |
Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Poster Presentation May 22 Core Time | |||
SIT24-P01 | The OJP array: seismological and electromagnetic observation on seafloor and islands in the Ontong Java Plateau | Daisuke Suetsugu | Abstract |
SIT24-P02 | The initial report of the electromagnetic observation on the seafloor in the Ontong Java Plateau | Noriko Tada | Abstract |
SIT24-P03 | Shear wave splitting observed in the Ontong Java Plateau and adjacent regions | Satoru Tanaka | Abstract |
SIT24-P04 | Sedimentary structure and tectonic setting of the Lyra basin central-western Pacific Ocean | Shoka Shimizu | Abstract |
SIT24-P05 | sPL waves observed by the OJP array in the Ontong Java Plateau | Minoru Kobayashi | Abstract |
SIT24-P06 | OBS Orientation from Ship Noise Polarization | Guilhem BARRUOL | Abstract |
SIT24-P07 | Toward complete tomography of the Earth’s interior with floating robotic acoustic sensors in the oceans: the EarthScope-Oceans | Masayuki Obayashi | Abstract |
SIT24-P08 | Seafloor electromagnetic investigations of the upper mantle of the Mariana back-arc spreading and subduction system | Tetsuo Matsuno | Abstract |
SIT24-P09 | 3D gravity modeling of crustal structures beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge | Doo-Hyun Kang | Abstract |